Had a great time in Nottingham (now back in London) - structure was fantastic - shame I had so few left when I had to shove with 29 left.
I sat next to James Howard for most of yesterday and I'd tip him to take it down - I don't see him stopping his relentless raising just because he's on the FT.
Most aggressive players at the table are MacDonald and James Howard, then Bayliss. Big stack "apply the pressure" poker Shourie is quiet actionjack busy, but in mostly small pots scotty77 has got two uncontested raises through Shackleton I don't think has played a hand in the final yet Posted by SPT
Scotty77 shoves 300000
Coxy A-10
Scotty K-Q
10 on the flop
K on the river doubles Scotty77
these are the updates
if the chip leader changes you'll hear about it
Howard calls K-J
We lose Chris Cox in 8th
Jackson check raises from 55,000 to 125,000
check check
Jackson checks, McDonald checks
Jackson "i have a four" 6-4
McDonald "i have a nine" 9-7 to win the pot
cann let us know who it sthe chyp lider?
San MacDonald is still the chip leader
Shourie is quiet
actionjack busy, but in mostly small pots
scotty77 has got two uncontested raises through
Shackleton I don't think has played a hand in the final yet
Complete equipment failure, sadly. Completely unpredictable, and several hours work couldn't restore the feed.
Shackleton shoves 364,000
Shourie 9-9
Shackleton A-Jdd
Shackleton doubles up
Shourie down to 200,000 has to call
9-9 Jackson
Shourie 5-5
Shourie doubles up
the shortstack of the 7 left
Nourie calls
Nourie checks
Jackson all in
A-7 Jackson
A-5 Nourie
A turn
3 river
Jackson doubles back up
Macdonald opened the button
Scotty 3 bet in the blinds
A-x-x all spades
Scotty bets, called
3h turn
check check
8c river
Scotty checks
Sam shoves
Scotty calls with A-Q
Sam K-5 for the flopped nut flush
Howard calls K-Q
A river
Jackson doubles up again to about 800,000
15-30k blinds, 7 left
McDonald calls
Shourie all in small blind 500,000
Howard raises to 1m to get rid of Sam
Sam Folds
Howard A-K
Nourie 6-6
Niraj Shourie out 6th
Shackleton calls
9-5-8 Shackleton checks
Jackson shoves Q-Q
Shackleton calls 10-7dd flush and straight draw
3c turn
10c river
Jackson doubles to over 1m
Howard calls K-Q
A river
Jackson doubles up again to about 800,000
15-30k blinds, 7 left
McDonald calls
Shourie all in small blind 500,000
Howard raises to 1m to get rid of Sam
Sam Folds
Howard A-K
Nourie 6-6
Niraj Shourie out 6th
McDonald calls
Shourie all in small blind 500,000
Howard raises to 1m to get rid of Sam
Sam Folds
Howard A-K
Nourie 6-6
Niraj Shourie out 6th
Jackson and Bayliss call
8-3-6 check check check
4 Sam bets 77k, Jackson calls
Bayliss 300k
Sam folds
Jackson calls
2 river
Jackson checks
Bayliss all in
Bayliss shows K-J for no pair K high to win the pot!!
Shourie 6th
Looks like James Howard is now a chip leader over Sam McDonald
Howard sets pre-flop raiser Jackson in
Jackson folds
Jackson down to 600,000 or 20xbb
Howard 3m
Macdonald 2m
Bayliss 1.5m
Shackleton 1m
Jackson 600k
Bayliss all in 1.5m
Jackson A-Q
Bayliss A-J
Jackson doubles for the fourth time this final table...
A survivor!
Bayliss shoves
Howard reshoves
Sam folds
Bayliss Q-Q
Howard A-A
Luke Bayliss out 5th
Break now