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Sunday Night Live on Ch 861 with Rich and Carlo ***official show thread***

edited September 2012 in Poker Chat
Greetings all,

Weather's quite nice, isn't it?

What with that, plus a large contingent of the Sky Poker hardcore up in Notthingham for the SPT, it could be a quiet night on the forum this evening.

But I remain optimisitic that we can be as busy as ever!

So, it's Carlo and myself in the driving seat tonight and here's what we have for you...

7pm-8pm – Tonight on Sky Poker – A look at tonight's big games and live Master Cash coverage.

8pm-9pm – Analyse My Play – We'll follow a player from the Primo for a whole hour and use card blockers to cover their opponet's cards too. If you'd like this player to be YOU, then email us your details to right now!!!!


9pm-10pm – Now on Sky Poker – Live coverage from the 5K Bounty Hunter @ 9pm

10pm-11pm – Top Of Sky Poker – High stakes cash poker from the Master Cash tables. 


11pm-12pm – Sky Poker Highlights – Continued live coverage of the 10K Primo

Plus, we'll have regular updates from the SPT final in Nottingham as we reach the business end and hopefully crown a winner whilst we're on air!

As ever, we have a seat into Thursday's Sky Sports BH to give away (£33 buy-in). Our favourite email/forum post/Tweet of the night will get it.

So, what's the best thing you did this weekend?

And what's the worst?

Simple one, and I reckon we're in for some funny and interesting answers. Doesn't matter how mundane, e.g. I brushed my teeth, I emptied the bins. Just tell the truth. What's the best and worst thing you did today or yesterday?

See you at 7pm on Channel 861!




  • edited September 2012
    Hi rich and tan man  have a great show

    So whats the best thing you did this weekend and the worst ?

    Well i keeep this short n sweet and simple :)   the best is getting drunk  playing poker fearlezzzzzzz last nite :) 
    the worst HANGOVA feeling it a tad today lol
  • edited September 2012

    hi rich and carlo

    have a great show

    best thing this weekend...

    in the spt dealt 99 flop comes A95 rainbow.  three left.  guy to my right bets, i call, then short stack all-in bluff, guy to my right isolates and goes all-in.  the only thing that could beat me is AA.  i go all-in. 

    worst thing this weekend...

    guy to my right has AA.

    best thing this weekend...

    i can watch you two on the show online from my hotel room, play online, watch the live stream from the spt. 


  • edited September 2012
    Hi guys,

    Had a great Friday/Saturday afternoon at Nottingham, couldn't play the ME due to lack of a babysitter for the Saturday night but played the Friday main which didn't go too well.

    Best thing

    I got to experience my first ever Tighty SnG at Nottingham this weekend which was interesting to say the least. We were playing in teams of 2 (switching who played the each street throughout the hand) and I was teamed up with Dazler.

    Worst thing

    Not having a babysitter for the Saturday night so having to go home early on Saturday and then finding out 3 squaddies are through to day 2 but I can't rail.

    Shout out for Dave 'Hitman' Harvey who has a monster stack going in to day 2. Fingers crossed he aint out by the time you read this! lol.

  • edited September 2012
    The best thing I did this weekend was to take out a player I respect immensely for his play and contribution to the forum (Maxally) in the £1.10 deepstack last night
    The worst thing I did:
    In the same tournament having been Chip leader for most of the game. With a full house made and sitting pretty. most of my stack in the pot and only 135 chips to put my oppo all in.
    I moved to click call, hit the fold button unintentionallly. Mucked my hand and all chances of cashing.
    If I'd gone away and just left my 36,000 chips blinding out I'd have made at least a min cash.
    "Clumsy fingers" the worst part of on line poker lol
  • edited September 2012
    Hi Rich. The best part of the weekendn was having my grand-daughter, Rosie, over today. The worst part was having to change her dirty nappy just before dinner! 
  • edited September 2012
    Prob worth doing back to front for me. Errr worst thing I did this weekend was attempt to turn KK into a bluff on an A4487 board on the river and bust out of the spt main event to AA. serves me right for drinking the night before, on the train up and at DTD. 

    Best thing I did all weekend was win a monster four figure cash pot at the vic after returning to London making a straight flush with 97 suited and taking down a flopped set and the A high flush. Had been titling quite badly up until that point after exiting the spt main in such stupid fashion. Don't feel so bad now as it contributed to a nice chain of events in London and lets face it I'm a tournament bottler anyway so I'd prob have never even come close to the money!
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Sunday Night Live on Ch 861 with Rich and Carlo ***official show thread***:
    Greetings all, Weather's quite nice, isn't it? What with that, plus a large contingent of the Sky Poker hardcore up in Notthingham for the SPT, it could be a quiet night on the forum this evening. But I remain optimisitic that we can be as busy as ever! So, it's Carlo and myself in the driving seat tonight and here's what we have for you... 7pm-8pm – Tonight on Sky Poker – A look at tonight's big games and live Master Cash coverage. 8pm-9pm – Analyse My Play – We'll follow a player from the Primo for a whole hour and use card blockers to cover their opponet's cards too. If you'd like this player to be YOU , then email us your details to right now!!!!   9pm-10pm – Now on Sky Poker – Live coverage from the 5K Bounty Hunter @ 9pm 10pm-11pm – Top Of Sky Poker – High stakes cash poker from the Master Cash tables.    11pm-12pm – Sky Poker Highlights – Continued live coverage of the 10K Primo Plus, we'll have regular updates from the SPT final in Nottingham as we reach the business end and hopefully crown a winner whilst we're on air! As ever, we have a seat into Thursday's Sky Sports BH to give away (£33 buy-in). Our favourite email/forum post/Tweet of the night will get it. So, what's the best thing you did this weekend? And what's the worst? Simple one, and I reckon we're in for some funny and interesting answers. Doesn't matter how mundane, e.g. I brushed my teeth, I emptied the bins. Just tell the truth. What's the best and worst thing you did today or yesterday? See you at 7pm on Channel 861!  
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Hi richard well start with the worst ,,, SPT lasted 7 hands pocket KK v AA ye had the kings first out, managed to get out b4 Anna grabbed me for the first out interveiw, best thing get home for daughter,s birthday walked in she walked out Happy birthday, anyway Carlo never ending game was for me all to soon , lol Leonard    (JLJ17)
  • edited September 2012
    Lol- great answers so far.

    Keep them coming please!

    2 hours to showtime!
  • edited September 2012
    Id love Carlo to analyse my play tonight in the primo.
  • edited September 2012
    Thanks Bearlyther- the producers will take all names that have been forwarded by email and pick someone from there.

    Ideally we're looking for someone who will do a phonecall with us as well to talk about their play.

    Good luck all!
  • edited September 2012
     hi rich carlo, best, sating into the 10k primo, worst not sating into the 5k b/h and the 1k gtd, by the time you read this, worst donking out the 10k primo,lol...
  • edited September 2012
    Best thing that happened to me was coming third in the SPT side event with a MASSIVE headache, not hangover, headache incase you were wondering lol.

    Worst thing was getting back to my hotel and finding that the handbrake on my car had failed, rolled out of the car park and right into a concrete bollard and got stuck on it.  Luckly, with the help of the RAC, the car was freed and there was only cosmetic damage.

    Good luck to everyone still in the SPT final, especially all those who play in the DTD tourny on a Monday night.  Still the best value enteratinment for a fiver around and the only poker comp never won by Julian Thew
  • edited September 2012
    hi rich and carlo,although it was not the weekend i played the quiz in the shed great prizes up for grabs,worst thing i did was score2 i asked scouse red if he could put some girlie questions up for back he comes and says just for paige,who sang the theme tune to the movie nine to five.just as im typing MAXALLy gets it first dolly thing i did was call MAXALLY a big girl xx:):):)
  • edited September 2012

         Hi rich and carlo.

         The best part of my weekend was watching my lad play is first competitive game of footy today,so proud.

         The worst was being the doorman for my neice's 18th,total carnage and very messy(but everyone home safe and sound,apart from mentally scarred).

       Have a great show and good luck to all left in the spt final.
  • edited September 2012
    evening richard and carlo

    best thing this weekend - sitting out in the garden sat eve, chilling out drinking wine and reading Terry Pratchitt book Night Watch.

    worst thing - blowing up fri eve when 2nd out of 24 remaining in the £110 bounty hunter. Didnt even make the money and my fault entirely

    and well done team diamond player minxymoo in her SPT main event cash.

  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live on Ch 861 with Rich and Carlo ***official show thread***:
    Hi rich and tan man  have a great show So whats the best thing you did this weekend and the worst ? Well i keeep this short n sweet and simple :)   the best is getting drunk  playing poker fearlezzzzzzz last nite :)  the worst HANGOVA feeling it a tad today lol
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    the worst thing - going out the spt late last night, but the best thing was going out in nottingham city centre afterwards getting paro and drowning my sorrows lol
  • edited September 2012
    Hi Rich & Carlo,

    Have a great show guys, 

    Didn't think it was going to be able to contribute as its been a boring weekend filled with jealousy at not being in Notts.

    However this afternoon I managed to play & win a nice £50 Gtd tournie & a seat to the Primo semi satelitte at the same time, but I then fell asleep & didnt wake up till 6:50 to find I had blinded out in 56th so missing my chance to play in the Primo  tonight, thats the bad news - the good news is I woke up in time for the show .

  • edited September 2012

    The cheesecake they had at the DTD yesterday was very nice.  I had seconds :)

  • edited September 2012
    Hi guys the best thing about my weekend was I passed my forklift truck test and the worst thing about this weekend is my poker play so would say pmsl (pushing my stupid luck).

    Keep up the good show 

  • edited September 2012
    evening both

    hope ur well

    "ducks under orders" has now been added to my carlo drinking game. The re appearance of "advocate" twice already in the first hour has already got me started at its only 8pm

    pray there are no hose me downssssssssssssss later on

    all the best
  • edited September 2012
    HI GUys

    I've arrived late tonite.

    Best thing this weekend...Going for a long run with my dogs to check on some swallows which I keep an eye on for the RSPB. (i.e. I do bird counts,no of young, dates of arrival/departure etc. Have done for about 10 years)  
    Worst thing - Approaching the site it was eerily silent and as I'd expected they have gone, flying south to Africa for the Winter.  ALthough I've been "looking after" them for a long time, every year when they depart I feel sad as I know Winter is just around the corner and can't help wondering how many will make it back next Summer.............
  • edited September 2012
    Going for a shower when I get back I bet Carlo will still be on the same hand trying to guess the other players cards lol
  • edited September 2012
    I bet Carlo that Aussie09 had put himself on 4c9c !!!
  • edited September 2012
    shouldnt of shown that aussie 09 s hand rich should of kept it for masked hands competition who ever got that 1 right deserves to win the main event and the jackpot lol 
  • edited September 2012
    please carlo no more :)

    god its only 8.30 going to run out of drink at this rate

    when carlo is analysing the hidden cards there is no need to use the pause button on sky + as you can come back from the other room and hes still deciding :)

    only kidding carlo top man
  • edited September 2012
    next week rich can u show my hands from the primo seeems like to u hit the the flop everytime lolz any 1 woulda thought its rigged joke 
  • edited September 2012

    hi rich and carlo,

    your comments are spot on.

    reaching the flop the 9c4c had some potential as a bluff.  i took the decision to proceed and playing it that way looks very strong.  didn't extragirl put down the nut flush?  thepuppy had the hand i was hoping he thought i had.  a simple bluff with potential.

    next time you see that pattern of play you will know i have 94 suited.  and call.

    good show, nice tans.

  • edited September 2012

    Eve guys.

    Just to let you know that a couple of the players you have shown tonight in that B/H got in via some of those all in £3 sats. Hence that might explain some of their play.

  • edited September 2012
    i just flicked over to watch 861 i thought i was watching and looking at rich and carlo any 1 woulda thought we actually had a summer :)

    and the best thing that happend this weekend was seein dad who is not very well he had a stroke a while back :( hes in nursing home and was nice seeing him so cnt look after himself  just lovely to see my dad smiling :)

    the worst thing that happened 
    being skint and having all ya m8es keep texting me saying u coming out knowing i got no money saying they having a good nite ya missing out cheers i really wanted  to know that lol 
  • edited September 2012
    quiet hour for the drinking game

    two hours to go and supplies have been obtained from the offy
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