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How to get max value on a hand :)
instead of getting paid a £2 river bet got max value

hoping he had what he had
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceIDONKCALLUSmall blind £0.10£0.10£20.08SCULLDOG41Big blind £0.20£0.30£14.09 Your hole cards55 ErdemAliRaise £0.60£0.90£62.29IDONKCALLUCall £0.50£1.40£19.58SCULLDOG41Fold Flop 494 IDONKCALLUCheck ErdemAliBet £0.70£2.10£61.59IDONKCALLUCall £0.70£2.80£18.88Turn A IDONKCALLUCheck ErdemAliCheck River 5 IDONKCALLUAll-in £18.88£21.68£0.00ErdemAliCall £18.88£40.56£42.71IDONKCALLUShow55 ErdemAliShowJQ IDONKCALLUWinFull House, 5s and 4s£38.76 £38.76
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Is it not better to get £3 everytime, or they may shove over the top of you with flush
or get called the minority for £18
I mean how time out of 100 are they going to have the flush or hand that calls that shove and how many times are they going to pay you off with a small value bet.
Work all this out and you should have an answer if it's good to shove or not )
woulda been funny if oppo had 99 !
think check/raising only works on those few occasions where villain has backdoored the flush and that just isn't enough occasions