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LIVE TONIGHT AT 7PM with Rich and Ryan on Sky Poker TV Channel 861: ***official show thread***
I'd save the matches, the gerry can and the insurance papers...
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I'm back in the saddle this Tuesday night for another live Sky Poker show and joing me will be SPT Grand Final final-tablist Ryan Spittles.
Here's the provisional line-up:
A look at the night's big tournaments on Sky Poker and live Master Cash coverage.
8pm – 9pm – Ask the Expert
Ask the Expert – Ask Ryan your poker questions and get your hand IDs in for him to analyse. 9pm – 10pm - Sky Poker School
Topic TBC
10pm – 11pm – Sky Poker Highlights
Live tournament coverage TBC. Most likely the 6K OPEN
11pm – Midnight – Master Cash
Live action from the Master Cash tables
As ever, we'll be loving your input. I had some brilliant messages on Sunday's show and I'm sure there'll be more of the same this Tuesday.
I'll be awarding a seat into Thursday night's Sky Sports Bounty Hunter for my favourite message via this thread, email ( or Twitter (#skypokertv).
Tuesday's side topic?
If your house was burning down, what three objects would you try and save (and why)?
Please note- objects, not people! We'll take it as read that you'd save any people in the house first (hopefully!), so let's assume there's no-one else indoors but you.
Looking forward to your answers and I'll see you Tuesday night at 7pm sharp!
2) My 5ft Tikay oil painting that i hang in my study.
SAVE ?????
Pretty Sure most would be throwing possessions onto the fire!
So long as they kept their Laptop, Players notes and fake receipts for Rolex Watches & Fur Coats.
It's just a matter of waiting for the insurance cheque to clear!
I mean, how often would you get the chance to bankroll a Priority Club attempt ?????
Can I borrow your lighter please Rich?
If the worst came to the worst. You could always borrow Carlos diamond receipt. If you're lucky, it might get you a stake on the 2p - 4p tables!
Assuming I've ensured my wife and pet cat are already safe, I'd save:
1, My mountain bike as it provides me my only means of extracting some enjoyment out of excercise now I'm unable to race on a bike.
2, My monitor as it's improved my poker playing experience so much sice I bought it earlier this year.
3, My hardrive with all my photo's and music on it as you can't replace them once they're gone.
A get well card hand drawn by my eldest girl Sienna. Almost made me cry when she gave me that with a hug.
My girls collection of Dr Who magazines and figures. Only as they would kill me if I didn't rescue them!
SPT grand final was amazing as always and it was great catching up with old friends and making new ones. Many congratulations to everyone who cashed in the main and the side events. Run well everyone
!. My Sky hoody
2. My Viva Las Vegas Main Event Ticket
3. My WSOP Bracelet
Of course I'm banking on the fact the fire won't break out until next year!
Have a great show guys & well done Ryan first cash in a SPT can't be bad!
1. my skyoker hoodie
2. my other skypoker hoodie
I put this last week but you must not have had time to show it....please, please please put it on Rich as i'd like to see if EVEN your honed skills culd guess the hand from the betting...good luck. By the way this player is a very successful player on another site which i only found out afterwards.
Hi guys I'm really looking forward to you guessing this hand and assessing my play. This is a cracker! I put this in the clinic and nobody got it correct.
May i prepare the ground as it were. Firstly thank you to Sky for the free entry to the £5k deepstack as a reward for winning the overall monthly DTD competition with team Hitsquad. I play low stakes MTT's and DYMs so felt a bit nervous but had prepared by playing other deepstack T's and did have a stategy prepared. My table was aggressive and two players that made the FT were on it as well as Matt Bates, vegas winner, on my lhs who was very aggressive from the start. There was a lot more reraises and 4-betting than i was used to because of the 5000 chip stack and greater aggression. Consequently, i'd been quietish, tightened my ranges and raised hands had been allowed through a couple of times. I'd had AA earlier in Middle pos. UTG limped and i did too as i was 90% certain that one of the others would reraise. That happened and i was able to apply the squeeze and this enabled a double up in my favour. So when i received AA again UTG i decided to limp for the same reason. Now, i've already had the 'don't limp with aces' comments but there was thought put into it and i do feel that the play would have called a min raise. Unfortunately, it didn't get raised.
What do you think of my bet-sizing and could i have got away from it on the river?
Do you feel my opponent had the pot odds to call down each of the streets with double gut shot?
I look forward to your comments and whether you can guess my opponents hand.
The hand id is 558398414 from the £5k roller on 30/8 at appro 9pm 30/8...cheers....
PS sorry this is long again Rich. I'm sure you will cut it down but wanted you to have ALL the info!!
Not really a hand analysis, but I'd like Ryans opinion of a hand I played in the late stages of the SPT Grand final.
Down to the last 2 tables and I think we were 7 handed, I had been short stacked all day and was playing around 260K, average was 600-650K, I think blinds were 12K/24K with 1K running ante but not 100% sure. My image on the table was super conservative as I'd been involved in very few pots, I'd only seen one flop recently where I'd peeled from the cutoff against an opening raise from Chris Cox and he'd told me he folded KK to my min 3 bet on an A high flop. 2 orbits earlier I had min raised utg with K8off and the whole table folded to me.
I picked up AA utg and dwelled on making a decision for a minute, counted out a min raise and then announced all in. My thinking here was that a min raise from a player with my image was going to pe perceived as super strong and I wanted to give my opponents the opportunity to make a mistake so opted to jam hoping it looked like a weaker hand.
The table folded and I showed the AA, in hindsight I think showing was a mistake, but at the time I was wanting to maintain my super tight image as it could help me find 3bet shoving spots later on.
I suppose really I'm looking for comments on all of the above including and most importantly my thought process here.
Just a quick hand to test the hand reading skills of THE MASTER HAND READER who is Rich Orford
If you can cover the cards can you show the hand from EVYs perspective please.
Just thought this would test the masters skills
Hand ID: 562302566 mastercash 7 10/9/2012.
Could be seen as boring, but the 3 things I'd save would be
1. My phone, so I could book a hotel.
2. My purse, so I could pay for the hotel.
3. My car keys, so I could drive to the hotel.
As long as everyone was safe and comfortable, it wouldn't matter what I left behind
If Carlsberg made 861 double-acts...
Great performance on the weekend Ryan, shame you didn't finish about 6 places higher but still very nice work to cash in your first SPT and to do it by final tabling the Grand Final.
This might sound a bit sad, but once you get the people out, I'm really struggling to think of 3 things I'd be particularly bothered about losing if the house was burnt down... guess I'll have to go for...
1) Laptop - standard... gotta be able to play poker.
2) My iPod cos I got about 10gb of music that I really wouldn't wanna have to download again.
3) A book called Shogun, my favourite book and I've got a really old copy that isn't published anymore.
Great story about Nick Pryce, that's my aim to go from the very bottom where I am now, to the much higher stakes. I also started from a deposit of £20 originally, I think I got helped along a bit by getting free entry to the 12k BH and taking a head and free entry to the Primo where I min-cashed, but I'm still going now. Only really started taking it seriously this last month or so, but I'll be up at 50NL+ before ya know it
P.S. Great news that Paul Jackson is gonna be on the show again soon, always enjoyed the shows he's been on in the past.
You've kicked your mum (aka the object)and the dog into touch but you've kept the beers!
I'm guessing since the thread was posted you've taken out life insurance on your mum and you'll be selling hot dogs to the firemen lol
Heartless !!!