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No this isn't a piece to say that i want to leave Sky....far from it! It's actually a plea to cry babies on the site who react in a disparaging way to their opponent after a bad beat or in this case a perceived "slowplay". The vast majority are sick of YOU and laugh AT you as you give THEM the advantage.
This happened in the DTD late on which is held up as a T where good friendly banter and supportive railing is expected AND achieved IMO. I love it but to be called "A SLOWPLAYING IDIOT" (capital lessons no less guys as they crawled off to their cave to draw on the walls) is disappointing, laughable and i'm fed up with this childish attitude. Yes, 5 players at table me CO, i got AA with csi of 3 late on. Player to my lhs was rer me a lot so min raise(yes i know AI called for but this chippy guy with csi of 2 was BB and had to AI. I was trying to triple up or go down gloriously in flames.) My mate AI's in bb and i checked that sb hadn't checked before AI'ing. He lost but he said i'd min-raised and slow played him. I explained my play in a polite way. The result is above.
You know, to my mind, a £2.20 tournament played as part of a friendly night does not need need or deserve such infantile outbursts. "TAXI"(couldn't resist) was called for and off he went.
We all get 'whacked' by the cards at times. I'd been in twice post flop AI in the other two DTD's ahead and been whacked both times by J on the Turn. No i wasn't happy but i put "nh GL GUYS" in chat. Take it with good grace and accept that some things aren't fair in life.
It has been said that your attitude whilst playing poker is a reflection of your attitude to the way you live your life. I can agree with this so chippy(not his real name but close enough) it's time to change both your poker style and probably the way you approach your life. It's about balance and contentment. We've all had trauma in my life. I've had my share certainly but you get one chance at it. so for god's sake ...
........LIVE IT!!!!!!!........AND TRY TO ENJOY IT!!!
PS Sorry for the length of the rant but i just got the impression that this guy could say whatever in chat as a nasty aside with an 'audience' of four to 'impress'. I ask you chippy, get in touch with me here or privately through the messaging and let's talk civilly about it. Shouting names and running away is what i did when i was six and my mum smacked my backside for it...
PPS TBH i'd like to see more of the 'audience' saying 'grow up','shut up' etc to these boo hoo players as i'm sure they feel they are right in some way and entitled to be nasty.
OPINIONS />>>>>>>>???????
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Its a game, have fun.
Yes i adopted that after i saw it myself at a table. It made me laugh out loud. It's really intended for the others at the table to see to show that i'm not bothered really and to give them a laugh. That's what we should be playing for too, isn't it? Maybe we should get a thread going for funny put downs, eh?
HMMMM, a step maybe especially as you appear to be male!!!!!
That song and dance wouldn't be 'shake your booty", would it?
But most of the time I fall asleep before I finish reading them!
Any chance you could make them short and sweet?
Your wish is my command's this?
Cheers for reading....
A good response and i agree and appreicate the majority of what you say. I cant say that i know that the 'boo hooers' are under 19 and micro stakes players and it comes as a result of frustration. I DO know that i satisy two of those three criteria not a particularly winning player but i am ahead for the time i've played(guys, for those rushing to get my free entries have also been taken as mine so i see that i'm in profit). Yes, i'd like to win more but i don't see how i can square immature behaviour with foul mouthed abuse that affects my enjoyment. Believe me, i don't tilt. I just want them to know how stupid they are looking to the five people at the table.
Its good to see that you have recognised your behaviour but i dont see these people approaching players at tables or on the forum to apologise for their behaviour.
I did recognise that how you act in poker is akin to how you act within society. Unfortunately, these people act with no consequence to their actions. EVERY ACTION HAS A CONSEQUENCE /> As poker players we should know this.These small things balloon into larger issues. Look at our society these days with the lack of respect that is inherent in it. Excuses are looked for now to explain poor behaviour.
This isn't a rant just an observation that 5 players at the table should be telling Mr foul- mouthed boohoo to grow up and take it on the chin with good grace. So many times the utterances are greeted by silence......WELL NO MORE....I'M HAVING MY SAY TOO AS I DON'T GRIND 8 TABLES. I refuse to turn my chat off because of cry babies. Have ago at me or others when i'm playing and you'll hear "TAXI" and the like. Swear and you ill be reported within five minutes. Remember every action etc....