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Russel T Davis and David Tennant :(
Anyone else gutted about them leaving doctor who?Just caught up with the most recent episode"waters of mars" i think.And it was fantastic,what an ending! I dont think i will continue to watch after they leave as it cant possibly be as good.Does anyone on here even watch it? If so please post your views so i dont feel so lonely ;-)
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I will give the new Doctor a chance before I decide on him.
Russell T Davis leaving could be more influential as he has been they from the beginning and also writes a lot of stories as well.
Is he also leaving The Sara Jane Adventures as well. I don't know.
At least Steven Moffat will still be around. He's written some crackin' episodes.
Not sure about the Dr change, I will (like Apollo) decide after seeing. To be honest I really liked Chris E and hated David when he took over, but then David grew on me.
As for the future ... bring back Dalek Caan I say - the mad old pile of nuts 'n' bolts! :-D lol