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I've been going to a local(ish) pub for a poker nite for the last 3 months now.
This is populated by all locals who all limp in any 2 & will call all the way with bottom pair bottom kicker.
My problem is that playing "internet style" is becoming increasingly unpopular, whilst obviously profitable (up about £300 over the 3 months from £5 re-buy tourneys).
This came to a head last night where I was down to last 3 (me, landlord & landlady) and was constantly in the 10-20BB range.
The landlady is a limper who will limp ave- hands even AA & fold the rest & only bet post flop with near nutz or better, I was exploiting this shamelessly & shoving 70% of hands either pre or post flop.
In the end, after torrents of abuse for 20 mins or so, she finally calls with a set vs my flush. I then had the chips literally thrown at me.
Would you continue to play at this establishment?
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The best example I can think of was a couple of years ago on a televised high stakes cash game. They had some pros and three multi millionaires. One of the rich businessmen was running super hot and snapping off bluffs with very marginal holdings. After a hand where AK was shown down and lost, he made the old Anna Kornikova gag (Why's AK like Anna Kornikova? Both look great but never win). It's an incredibly old joke. Still Antonio Esfandiari laughed like a drain and this businessman's face lit up. He felt like one of the boys, part of the gang and wasn't going to go anywhere even if he dropped half a mil, he was having too much fun and the people much better than him were making him feel like 'the man.' Now I don't buy too much of Esfandiari's technical game, but he knows you keep the players not as good as you in their seat and happy. Back when barely anyone knew how to play that is how he made a bucketful of cash.
Back to your spot. Are you laughing and joking with the regs? Are you complimenting them (even when technically you may not mean it)? Are you taking the mickey out of yourself? Are you making them comfortable? Are you adding to the atmosphere and experience for them in a positive fashion?
Master this and you can play as 'internet' as you want and you won't get chips thrown at you.
In answer to your question I wouldn't play at a non-licensed venue anymore.