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should i ever fold pre to avoid situations likee these?
i quite often would fold pre and jus wait for better spots but i was a bit tilted
evilarchieSmall blind£0.05£0.05£9.85ST220Big blind£0.10£0.15£16.60 Your hole cardsQA CarnageFoldsupercrazyFoldjedexidousFoldsamboram45Raise£0.25£0.40£7.83evilarchieFoldST220Raise£0.30£0.70£16.30samboram45Call£0.15£0.85£7.68Flop A79 ST220All-in£16.30£17.15£0.00samboram45All-in£7.68£24.83£0.00ST220Unmatched bet£8.62£16.21£8.62ST220ShowAKsamboram45ShowQATurn 2 River 8 ST220WinPair of Aces£14.99£23.61
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