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New to poker (won first tournament!)
I wish i signed up to sky poker forum before playing poker. Great choice to do so! Welcome to sky poker Enjoy your stay
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i'm sure you'll have fun here
good luck
Best thing I could suggest to quickly improve the basics of the game is to watch channel 861 if you have Sky TV. It's also a good idea to get involved in the community, it's a great way to improve your game and make playing poker a lot more fun.
welcome to the sky community.
DYM's are basically a 6 player mini-tournament,where the 3 players left in at the end with the most chips double there buy-in ,(lees the rake,m(money you all pay sky for playing).
so for example a £1 dym you pay £1+15p rake so top 3 all win £2 which gives you a net profit of 85p (£1 less the 15p rake)
i would recomend these as a good place for you to start off.
play the 50p ones to start off with and then slowly work your way up the levels.
you could play cash but that can be very up & down
mtts (multi table tournaments are also good value and quite straight-forward to play)
they are similar to DYM's but with a larger number of players and the top players left at the end are all paid,the ammounts depending on where they finish.
anyway,good luck and i hope you enjoy yourself,
oh yes i forgot about the freerolls,
In fact, considering in most hands there can only be 1 winner, and there are usually 6 people at the table, it makes it obvious why it is foolish to try to win every hand.
Stick to playing very straight forward at first, never ever limp (that's just calling the big blind preflop), if you wanna play a hand, raise with it, usually 3x (3 times the big blind) so if the blinds are 10/20 raise to 60. Only do this with strong hands at first AK, AQ, AJ, AT, KQ, KJ, QJ, any pocket pairs 22 all the way up to AA. Bear in mind with the pairs from 22 to about 99, you're really only playing to try and flop a third one of your card (which is called a set), if you don't just fold.
Avoid the temptation to slowplay big hands like AA, or slowplaying say when you have 88 and hit an 8 on the flop, just bet when you have it, if people have something they'll call, if they don't no worries.
I don't wanna sound like I'm being condescending but just incase you don't know, slowplaying is having a big hand and trying to do things that make it look like you don't like not betting, or just calling someone's bet when you could/should raise. This tactic generally only works against people who pay attention which you won't get alot of in freerolls or even low stakes real money games. If you already knew what it meant just tell me to shut up lol.
Good luck and welcome. Don't be afraid to ask Q's m8.
Do not try and win at poker aim to enjoy it and make good decisions.
If you try and win you will end up frustrated and will not enjoy the game.
Welcome to the forum.Congratulations on getting the first step right by joining the forum.All the information you need is on here and anything you want to ask will be answered by the many regular posters.Best of luck on your poker journey and if there are any questions you need answered just ask.
now we've got the first page over.... how much money have you got?
ps. only half joking. don't spend any money until you know a lot more. jessica ennis didn't try to hurdle before she could run. you are asking how to walk. it's fun, but do it without losing money for now... and hello.
Ps Before some smart alec asks me how I know, I have won a few small tourneys, not many I grant you!