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Tonight's live show on Sky Poker TV Channel 861 with Rich and Jen ***official show thread***

edited September 2012 in Poker Chat
Hi gang,

It's the biggest night of the week on the site and as ever to coincide with that we have another 5 hour live broadcast from Sky Poker studios.

At the helm this evening will be myself, Richard Orford and undoubtedly our most glamourous pundit- although to be fair,  you can't help but be glamorous up against the likes of Tikay- Jen Mason.

What Jen doesn't know about the world of poker probably isn't worth talking about. She's right across the scene and is also a fearsome player to boot with intelligent and entertaining analytical skills for your viewing pleasure.

In short, should be a good show.

Here's what we're doing...

7pm– A look ahead to the night on the site and live Master Cash coverage.

8pm– Analyse My Play – using our highly popular card blockers so we get to guess the opponent's hands, we'll pick a player from The Primo and follow them for the entire hour. If you'd like this player to be you then please email your name, alias and phone number to

9pm–Live coverage of the Super Roller semi-final @ 9pm

10pm- High Stakes cash action

11pm- Live coverage of the final stages of the 10K Primo

As ever we have a seat into Thursday's main event to give away to the best message from a viewer, and here's tonight's side topic...

What would you do with a time machine?

Simple one really. Should have some interesting and/or funny responses. Look forward to your input and I'll see you with Jen at 7pm!



  • edited September 2012
    Analyse  my play in the primo please, will email in now.

    Look forward to another good show!

  • edited September 2012
    If i had a time machine i would go back to the year 2003 and play poker then so i could make £1million a year, also 2003 as Celtic were in the Uefa Cup Final in Seville, Spain and i was there awesome experience!  Id love Jen to Analyse my play tonight in the Primo.
  • edited September 2012
    If i had a time machine i would like to know when england will win the world cup again and put me there then again the time machine has now broke as there is no memory of this happening again lol   

    i try and be positive but come on are english players are only intrested in playing if they get 100k a week   have a great show guys 
  • edited September 2012
    if i had a time machine i would go back to one of the biggest euromillions so i knew the numbers and enjoy spreading the money around the needy of england. tina
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Tonight's live show on Sky Poker TV Channel 861 with Rich and Jen ***official show thread***:
    Hi gang, It's the biggest night of the week  What would you do with a time machine? Simple one really. Should have some interesting and/or funny responses. Look forward to your input and I'll see you with Jen at 7pm!
    Posted by RICHORFORD

    We've got them already! Theyre called Watches!

    Most people wear them on their wrists!

    That could possibly explain the timing of your arrival the last SPT you attended!

    But I'm finding it hard to justify the timing of your exit!

    If I had one I'd let you borrow it. To maybe play your hand differently!
  • edited September 2012
    Agree with bearlyther tho can i go back to earlier then 2003 mind 1990 when the poker game was really soft might be able to win something well if hellmuth can win lodas back then chance for us all :)
  • edited September 2012
    If I had a time machine I'd go back and buy the top forty singles that were in the charts the day I was born!
    I've bought the top forty every time my nieces and nephews were born.
    It's not only pleasurable reliving the memories but in the future profitable! some of the singles are worth hundreds of £'s now!
    If any of my nieces/nephews are reading this Ebay is your friend! lol

    Its going to be a great show Jen Masons on!
  • edited September 2012
    Great responses so far. I will, of course, read them all out on the show- although not necessarily in the order in which they were posted.

    Keep those requests coming in if you're playing in The Primo tonight and want the entire duration of 8pm to 9pm to be exclusively based on you and your play.

    Email in your name, alias and phone number for a live chat on air to
  • edited September 2012
    I would go back to 2011 and tell myself not to build my 10 foot tikay bronze statue, whilst it is beautiful and will stand the test of time like nelson's column, it is a hotspot for bird poo.

    Have a great show,

  • edited September 2012
    If i had a time machine. All the time at school i was saying.... "Cant Wait untill i leave" "your so lucky to be in your last year" But Looking back on it now. i forget how great school was and wish i could go back :D

    So yeah id go back in time to year 8 or 9 which was 2 years into High School lol
  • edited September 2012
    I would just steal other peoples good money making ideas and inventions, travel back in time then claim them as my own ideas and inventions, a sure way to get super rich :D

    Shaun - Totally agree, it used to annoy the hell out of me when adults would say "school years are the time of your life, enjoy it whilst you can", sadly it's not until you're an adult yourself that you realise how true that is. :'(
  • edited September 2012
    wow so many things Id go back and change. If I only had one go on the machine Id go back to 2006; good times. Had just graduated, got engaged, moved out into my own place with my fiancee. 6 years on, Im single (sort of), may as well not have a degree as I dont use it and whilst I have my own place, its a dull place without her. 

    I think its wierd how one seemingly insignificant decision you make when youre young can have such a massive bearing on where your life takes you. I often wonder how it might have been if I never left my first university to do the same course at another. I think that ultimately in a roundabout way (which I wont bore you with the details of) lead to the collapse of my engagement!

    So on that depressing note, have a nice show!
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Tonight's live show on Sky Poker TV Channel 861 with Rich and Jen ***official show thread***:
    I would just steal other peoples good money making ideas and inventions, travel back in time then claim them as my own ideas and inventions, a sure way to get super rich :D Shaun - Totally agree, it used to annoy the hell out of me when adults would say "school years are the time of your life, enjoy it whilst you can", sadly it's not until you're an adult yourself that you realise how true that is. :'(
    Posted by DeaDFl0P
    +1, They say you will think different when your older. DAM right !
  • edited September 2012

    If i had a time machine i would go back to before google was created and come up with my own internet search engine called Moogle :) that would earn me some moneyz.

  • edited September 2012
    If i had a time machine, i would send tikay back in time where he would actually fit into society #isthatpossible
  • edited September 2012

    Hi Richard and Jen,


    If I had a time machine I would go back to 1981 and get poker lessons from Stu Unger on how to play, as my play at the moment is not good 

  • edited September 2012
    Hi Richard & the Gorgeous Jen,

    First of all can you congratulate Michael ( DTWBANDIT) for winning this weeks Afternoon League £2.20 @ 2:20. Thanks to everybody who took part & railed which showed all the best things about the sky community. 
    2nd week starts tomorrow & anybody who wants to join in please see the thread on the Forum in General Poker Chat.

    Afraid I would use the Time machine to go back 35 years just to stop myself smoking. I reckon the money I would have saved I wouldn't need to win the lottery :-)

    Am so jealous of whoevers play is anlaysed tonight as I still go weak at the knees remembering when Jen refered to me as "our hero"  

    Have a great show,


  • edited September 2012
    planning to make £500 tonight on Sky - follow me for a laugh
  • edited September 2012
    If I had a time machine I would go back and perform a humanitarian mission ....... I would go back and warn Richard Orford before he joins sky poker that his future self will spend endless hours in a virtual studio listening to stories about motorways and trains ........ from a man known as Tikay ...... the experience will leave Orford with greying hair from the ordeal.  No doubt Orford would endlessly thank me for saving his future.

  • edited September 2012
    I like that people are mostly being honest: Nobody is saying "I'd go back to see <Historical Event X>" or "I'd go back and save thousands of people from <Disaster Y>". We're all talking about how we'd make ourselves a few bob or rescue our long-lost love....

    I'm going to say I'd go back to 2003. I'd stand outside the room where I met 'the girl'. I'd stop myself at the door and say "If you ever want to be happy again, don't go in there, mate".

  • edited September 2012
    Sorry, is this meant to be a light-hearted entertainment show? lol
  • edited September 2012
    Hi Rich and Jen have a gr8 show as always.

    could you please give a shout out to DTWBANDIT who won the forum afternoon 2.20 @ 2.20 league, and also to Mike WOOGIE8868 who came up with the idea of starting the league brought all that is good about the Sky Poker community to the fore, some great play plus cracking banter.

    Also it's The Forum DTD tomorrow as every Monday, where £5.50 gets you 3 tournies and up to 4 plus hours play with all the usual fun n games in the chat box :))

  • edited September 2012
    If i had a time machine it would be to turn it back to 2008 when my dad was better before he had hes stroke would of spent more quality time with him 

    On a lighter note was good seeing u on the tables rich on your timed tourney comp i will win it 1 day i hope :) and is there going to be another uk cash game at all as i really enjoyed watching that maybe a presenters game would be good tv 
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Tonight's live show on Sky Poker TV Channel 861 with Rich and Jen ***official show thread***:
    Hi gang, It's the biggest night of the week on the site and as ever to coincide with that we have another 5 hour live broadcast from Sky Poker studios. At the helm this evening will be myself, Richard Orford and undoubtedly our most glamourous pundit- although to be fair,  you can't help but be glamorous up against the likes of Tikay- Jen Mason . What Jen doesn't know about the world of poker probably isn't worth talking about. She's right across the scene and is also a fearsome player to boot with intelligent and entertaining analytical skills for your viewing pleasure. In short, should be a good show. Here's what we're doing... 7pm– A look ahead to the night on the site and live Master Cash coverage. 8pm– Analyse My Play – using our highly popular card blockers so we get to guess the opponent's hands, we'll pick a player from The Primo and follow them for the entire hour. If you'd like this player to be you then please email your name, alias and phone number to 9pm–Live coverage of the Super Roller semi-final @ 9pm 10pm- High Stakes cash action 11pm- Live coverage of the final stages of the 10K Primo As ever we have a seat into Thursday's main event to give away to the best message from a viewer, and here's tonight's side topic... What would you do with a time machine? Simple one really. Should have some interesting and/or funny responses. Look forward to your input and I'll see you with Jen at 7pm!
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    I would go back to when i got married when the words I DO was said haha
  • edited September 2012
    Hi guys have a good show.

    Just a quick question.

    When reviewing a hand tonight you both said that if a player calls on the flop with what was a weakish hand and a blank turn card comes down they also have to call on the turn because the turn card changed nothing.

    This is something i here Carlo especially saying time and time again but my question is why do you have to call again ?

    Can you not change your mind ?

    Is someone firing 2 bullets not much stronger play than someone firing 1 ?

    I see it all the time on site where a player will fire one bullet but not fire 2 so calling the first bullet makes alot of sense if you know that player will only fire again when he is strong so in that case it would be wrong to call the 2nd bullet even on a blank turn card.

    I just feel like the term "if you call the first bullet you have to call the 2nd one" gets used far too often and in loads of cases it would be wrong to call the 2nd bullet.

    Just my thoughts guys.



  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Tonight's live show on Sky Poker TV Channel 861 with Rich and Jen ***official show thread***:
    wow so many things Id go back and change. If I only had one go on the machine Id go back to 2006; good times. Had just graduated, got engaged, moved out into my own place with my fiancee. 6 years on, Im single (sort of), may as well not have a degree as I dont use it and whilst I have my own place, its a dull place without her.  I think its wierd how one seemingly insignificant decision you make when youre young can have such a massive bearing on where your life takes you. I often wonder how it might have been if I never left my first university to do the same course at another. I think that ultimately in a roundabout way (which I wont bore you with the details of) lead to the collapse of my engagement! So on that depressing note, have a nice show!
    Posted by mj8bs
    Cryptic? I think I can read between the lines and say he'd go back to 2006 and not change university.
  • edited September 2012
    Rich mate after hearing you reading out that guys "OUR TUNE" post ( which made me lol btw )

    If i had a time machine i would go forward in time to make certain that you never got a job at the samaritans answering peoples phone calls or i fear that the suicide rate may go through the roof :)

    Daz :)
  • edited September 2012
    surprised you want to lower the mood any further but...

    I was sort of making 2 points. Id like to go back to 2006 and try and put right the mess I made the previous 2 years. I changed university in 2004. I basically left myself no choice by having an ugly confrontation with a member of staff and was asked to leave. If I hadnt done that, Id never have met the crowd I met at my 2nd university and never picked up a load of bad habits which over the next 2.5 years my fiancee got tired of and she left me because I never showed a willingness to change back to who I was. 

    SO if i had one go on the machine, Id go back to 2006 and repair the damage (prefer this rather than going back to 2004 as I would like to have learnt the lesson and been thru the experience if you see what i mean)

    Seriously tho..I should stop drinking on sunday afternoons. It just makes me go all deep! And yes dont give up the day job to join the samaritans rich!
  • edited September 2012

    Hi Richard and Jen,


    If I had a time machine I would go forward in time and invent a device called a persuader which would make the person you use it on do what ever you ask then I would ask Jen out on a dinner date then I would be a happy man.
  • edited September 2012
    Jen Mason - sigh
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