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ArkhamCity is here. Hello.
Hello Happy
So how did you get from Happydays to Stabhappy. Both have one word the same yes but slightly different connotations
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Name ArkhamCity. I like batman games especially the new ones. good stories.
Let's see, I played poker seriously for about last 4 months. But seriously as in I don't mean hardcore every day/night. But the odd few sessions taken seriously every now and then and aim to win, not lose. I did not play seriously before this and played very little the odd game here and there. No real interest until recently. More so just used to watch my Dad play, so slowly picked up interest. Biggest poker achievement so far. 100 dollar deposit to 800ish dollars on one site. One of my old sites is moving to ipoker, I hate ipoker so I need to find a new site.
I am mainly a 10/9 man cash game player, so was very surprised to find like very few on this site. It seems sky poker is heavily a 6 man table site. Hopefully I can adjust to 6 man tables. Any tips for me ????? fire away.
I play 10 dollar and 25 dollar cash fullring games. mainly. My Bankroll is covered for this so that is always a relief.
Aims in poker longterm ??
To just do my best and keep improving for now.
Anyway thanks for reading, see you around the forums. Hopefully I may get to know some of you.
Changed it to avoid confusion, over the last name :P
But as stated before edit : it was because of taking stabs at pots. A poor choice of words for a online name, now changed to avoid confusion.
Welcome Mr Happy. Good decision to abandon i-Poker imo.
Good luck here, hope you run good, & enjoy.
Enjoy and make friends. Must admit that stab thing did have me looking twice though.....ha
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Sorry to anyone who was offended by the name.
How did you change your name btw? I didnt think you could?
welcome arkhamcity have fun
I guess changing mine due to a lack of imagination would not be a good reason!
So big thanks to sky. Plus Arkham City is a cool name anyway
Again welcome and good luck.