Only recently I noticed to my surprise that popular forum DYM diary writer Devonfish5 (aka Ian) lives in the same town as myself; Exmouth in Devon. Then, a few days ago, after an exchange of PMs it also transpired not only lives in the same town; he literally lives just around the corner.
Well, tonight Lea116311 and myself had the good fortune to meet up with Ian during which he honoured our fun side-bet of a pint to whoever finished their bankroll challenge first. I can report that Ian is an absolutely top bloke, superb company, and even friendlier in real life than he is on the forum. I wish Ian every success at the tables, also I've done my best to persuade him to attend an SPT event at some time in the future so he can meet more of the Sky crowd.
It is a small world because my mum and dad live in Exmouth and I and my family hope to move down there in the not too distant future. A really nice place to live, very jealous.
Only recently I noticed that popular forum DYM diary writer Devonfish5 (aka Ian) lives in the same town as myself; Exmouth in Devon. Then, a few days ago, after an exchange of PMs it also transpired he lives literally just around the corner. Well, tonight Lea116311 and myself had the good fortune to meet up with Ian during which he honoured our fun side-bet of a pint to whoever finished their bankroll challenge first. I can report that Ian is an absolutely top bloke, superb company, and even friendlier in real life than he is on the forum. I wish Ian every success, also I've done my best to persuade him to attend an SPT event at some time in the future so he can meet more of the Sky crowd. Posted by GaryQQQ
hi Gary, i was about 10 minutes into replying and lost connection,so starting again,
what a lovely post.i am so glad that we met up as you never know how there things will go,do you. i had a really nice time and Lea was lovely too. i don't get out as much these days as i once did when i was younger so tonight was really really nice for me. i do suffer with a slight stammer which although not as bad as it once was when i was really young, it can be quite bad sometimes,especially when i get nervous,but fortunately i felt quite at ease tonight,so i'm hoping that it wasn't to bad. as to the SPT, that would be nice,but i'm not sure if i could put myself through it,as i know i would be so nervous just being there,without having to talk to everyone,even though i'm sure i would get a good welcome from everyone. anyway,we will have to keep that on ice,for the moment.
anyway,again... let me finish by saying what a 'cool dude' that GaryQQQ is,so laid back. he also knows a thing or two about poker too...i hate him. (only joking m8)
best wishes Gary, and Lea too,
and have a great time when you finally get to 'vegas'
Nice story, always nice when "internet people" meet in real life and it can be confirmed that both got on well and not a bad word to be said about one another. You never know how those meet ups might go. So top notch it all worked out.
Great story guys. If I remember correctly didn't IDCU once post that he shared a table with a guy that lived in the same street? The nearest I got was a guy that lived about 10 minutes away from me. The best I can offer is that I used to play Tiger Woods online. The first game I played we had me,a guy in the U.S., one in Denmark and one in Antarctica. So a worldwide game. I then played someone who lived 200 yards away.
In Response to It's a small world! : do suffer with a slight stammer which although not as bad as it once was when i was really young, it can be quite bad sometimes,especially when i get nervous,but fortunately i felt quite at ease tonight,so i'm hoping that it wasn't to bad.Posted by devonfish5
I can say with 100% honesty that neither of us even noticed.
In Response to It's a small world! : hi Gary, i was about 10 minutes into replying and lost connection,so starting again, what a lovely post.i am so glad that we met up as you never know how there things will go,do you. i had a really nice time and Lea was lovely too. i don't get out as much these days as i once did when i was younger so tonight was really really nice for me. i do suffer with a slight stammer which although not as bad as it once was when i was really young, it can be quite bad sometimes,especially when i get nervous,but fortunately i felt quite at ease tonight,so i'm hoping that it wasn't to bad. as to the SPT, that would be nice,but i'm not sure if i could put myself through it,as i know i would be so nervous just being there,without having to talk to everyone,even though i'm sure i would get a good welcome from everyone. anyway,we will have to keep that on ice,for the moment. anyway,again... let me finish by saying what a 'cool dude' that GaryQQQ is,so laid back. he also knows a thing or two about poker too...i hate him. (only joking m8) best wishes Gary, and Lea too, and have a great time when you finally get to 'vegas' ian ps; enjoy your birthday and champagne tomorrow. Posted by devonfish5
This genuinely touched me, and that's quite rare from a forum post lol. If I could offer any advice I'd just say don't let something like that stop you from enjoying yourself doing something that you love, and you'd get to meet a lot more great people too. People wouldn't judge you because of that, I doubt it's even that noticable, but it'd be great for you to overcome your fear of meeting new people by perhaps going to an spt, because honest, although I've never been to one, I can guarantee there's nothing to be afraid of and it'll only help you grow as a person. Sorry for the random post lol, was just doing my random 3am look through threads and that sentence stuck with me!
had a really nice couple of hours or so last night with Gary & lea, they are genuinely both great people.
as to the stammer.... someday's it's hardly noticeable,and y/day was a good day,as i felt totally at ease,which was nice. i also can sometimes feel myself becoming hotter and then i start talking faster which i know i shouldn't as this then makes it worse. i have always had this little problem,and i probably could/should either talk to someone about it,possibly my doctor, i guess,but as i am also quite shy too,i've never got around to it. so it is something i live with and cover it up as best i can. i know it's no 'big deal' in the grand scheme of things,so as the saying goes 'move on',
i hope to possibly make it to an SPT event, one day, as it would be lovely to meet you all. best wishes to everyone. ian (aka;dev)
Devon, I know how it must seem, I had a stammer as a child, but these days, society is much more understanding of these things, & anyone who thinks less of someone with a stammer is not worth worrrying about.
In some ways, society has lower standards these days, but in many other ways, it is far far better than 50 or 60 years ago. Back then, our parents & grand-parents mocked or dissed black people, gay people, those with disabilities (mental & physical) quite openly.
Nowadays, except for trolls on the internet, people are so much better, & more understanding of life, & people.
Come to an SPT if you can - you'll have an absolute ball, I promise.
First up great to see you guys had a lovely time. I think when ever internet friends meet in person for the first time all parties have a silent fear that someone like Charles Mansun will walk in the room. Fab to see it when it works out as perfect as this one did.
On the stammer. Listen completely to what Tikay has posted above, he's 100% on the money. In my private life I have a ton of expereince with this, attitudes have changed.
Come to a SPT, you'll have a lovely time. Give me a tap on the shoulder, introduce yourself and we'll have a beer.
What a cracking coincidence. Devon, i wish you all the best...get to an SPT make. You may be anxious but as Tikay said, in general society is much more accepting of minor(yes, i know it seems big to you at times, but that's your perception mate) disabilities. The people that aren't accepting are not worth making friends with anyway. I think i may be able to match your coincidence too. I was playing at a sky table and with my place of residence showing as Liverpool someone put in chat.."where in Liverpool m8" i put norris green and got "snap!". "Do you know The Strand?"..."i live right there"....This went on until we found that we lived in the same half of the same short road on the same side and for over 25 years on and off!!!! He is very well known on the site and successful too. Not sure if he want's it known so i'll leave his name out but that just knocked me sideways..... It's good to get a connection with other players. I've always been an outgoing type (my mum always said "hates embarrassing silences" ie talks for England). It's nice to see that poker, which you'd think could be a lonely pastime, can have a group type friendliness. That's why the forum, leagues and teams are so good for SKY IMO. All the best guys...
The stammer...... Devon, I know how it must seem, I had a stammer as a child, but these days, society is much more understanding of these things, & anyone who thinks less of someone with a stammer is not worth worrrying about. In some ways, society has lower standards these days, but in many other ways, it is far far better than 50 or 60 years ago. Back then, our parents & grand-parents mocked or dissed black people, gay people, those with disabilities (mental & physical) quite openly. Nowadays, except for trolls on the internet, people are so much better, & more understanding of life, & people. Come to an SPT if you can - you'll have an absolute ball, I promise. Posted by Tikay10
ty for the reply Tony, it is very much appreciated. i think we had a 'difference of opinions' shall we say a little while back,over something silly like the possibility of a new DYM level between the £5 level & the £11 level,which looking back on my part now i could have perhaps been a little more diplomatic shall we say.but that's not admitting that i was wrong about not needing a 'new level'.as i still think there is still a good case for introducing one.but hey...let's not go back there again. but i am apologising to you now,as i'm sure i said one or two things that were pephaps not necessary, sorry for that Tony.
i have watched 'your interview' with your 'side kick' Richard Orford btw,twice,and it was/is an amazing story. i found it truly inspirational and not to mention heart-warming too. as to my 'little problem' which let's face it that's what it is,i would say 90-95% of the time it's fine and as Gary has kindly mentioned,almost un-noticeable,but just occasionally i do get 'tounge tied'and it's as if my talking speeds up and i almost am trying to say the next word before the 1st word comes out,if that makes any sense. anyway,i'm sure that most of the time 'i get it just about right' so i'm happy with that,and i'm sure to that it probably sounds worse to me than it actually does to the people who may or may not should they choose to be listening to me. lol
as to the possibility of coming to an SPT i'm sure that it is possible and i would love to come to one,oneday.,and meet up with you all. i've already today spoken to my brother Mark(snugs1963) about us both going and he seemed quite keen about it. and the word Cardiff was mentioned,so......?
First up great to see you guys had a lovely time. I think when ever internet friends meet in person for the first time all parties have a silent fear that someone like Charles Mansun will walk in the room. Fab to see it when it works out as perfect as this one did. On the stammer. Listen completely to what Tikay has posted above, he's 100% on the money. In my private life I have a ton of expereince with this, attitudes have changed. Come to a SPT, you'll have a lovely time. Give me a tap on the shoulder, introduce yourself and we'll have a beer. Posted by TommyD
ty Tommy for the kind words be nice to meet you, hopefully one day,oh and i will deffo tap you on that shoulder... as long as you're buying!!! lol (* *) ^ dev
In Response to Re: It's a small world! : This genuinely touched me, and that's quite rare from a forum post lol. If I could offer any advice I'd just say don't let something like that stop you from enjoying yourself doing something that you love, and you'd get to meet a lot more great people too. People wouldn't judge you because of that, I doubt it's even that noticable, but it'd be great for you to overcome your fear of meeting new people by perhaps going to an spt, because honest, although I've never been to one, I can guarantee there's nothing to be afraid of and it'll only help you grow as a person. Sorry for the random post lol, was just doing my random 3am look through threads and that sentence stuck with me! Posted by percival09
i don't want to 'take over' this thread or anything as it was Gary's post originally, so sorry m8,if i have. just want to say a BIG thank you to everyone that's posted,if i may. all the comments are very much appreciated, and sorry for not replying individually to every post. and again thank you especially to Gary,on his 'special day' (* *) ^ dev
Nice posts dev, I used to (and still do occasionally) suffer from a stammer so I know where your coming from. But as Tommy and Tikay have said, people are usually very understanding these days, and most won't treat you any differently. Also, if most of the time people don't notice it, I think it might be what's known as an interiorised stammer, and it's more brought on by being self-conscious of it than anything else. If you try not to take too much notice of it then I'm sure you'll be just fine.
All the best, and good luck with getting to an SPT!
Nice posts dev, I used to (and still do occasionally) suffer from a stammer so I know where your coming from. But as Tommy and Tikay have said, people are usually very understanding these days, and most won't treat you any differently. Also, if most of the time people don't notice it, I think it might be what's known as an interiorised stammer, and it's more brought on by being self-conscious of it than anything else. If you try not to take too much notice of it then I'm sure you'll be just fine. All the best, and good luck with getting to an SPT! Posted by yb
ty yb, i think as you say i am self-conscious of it more than anything and am aware of it when it does start to happen. i am normally able to get through it but just sometimes it does get the better of me,but tbh it is only occasionally,thank goodness. am confident i will get to an SPT,hopefully anyway one day. ty for the post. dev
Nice to see a thread like this. Devonfish i hope to see you at an SPT sometime soon. Met Gary at a couple of them and hes a top bloke. I'd trust his judgement fully.
alot of people most probably scared to go to a spt with the lights cameras and thought of getting a interview would really put me of tbh i just want to play poker not have the cameras on me sounds very nerve racking i have never been to a casino but going to the vic in london most probably on friday to rail my mum in a £550 main event im bricking it more then her and not even playing it
Will do m8 all depends on money as abit short will say hi if im up there if not say hi to my mumangela u cant miss her she has red hair welldone on your bink friday nite in the open
Nice to see a thread like this. Devonfish i hope to see you at an SPT sometime soon. Met Gary at a couple of them and hes a top bloke. I'd trust his judgement fully. Posted by The_Don90
a great read this devonfish best of luck and hope u conquer your fears and go to a spt 1 day me likewise we meet up and have a few beers Posted by IDONKCALLU
In Response to It's a small world! : hi Gary, i was about 10 minutes into replying and lost connection,so starting again, what a lovely post.i am so glad that we met up as you never know how there things will go,do you. i had a really nice time and Lea was lovely too. i don't get out as much these days as i once did when i was younger so tonight was really really nice for me. i do suffer with a slight stammer which although not as bad as it once was when i was really young, it can be quite bad sometimes,especially when i get nervous,but fortunately i felt quite at ease tonight,so i'm hoping that it wasn't to bad. as to the SPT, that would be nice,but i'm not sure if i could put myself through it,as i know i would be so nervous just being there,without having to talk to everyone,even though i'm sure i would get a good welcome from everyone. anyway,we will have to keep that on ice,for the moment. anyway,again... let me finish by saying what a 'cool dude' that GaryQQQ is,so laid back. he also knows a thing or two about poker too...i hate him. (only joking m8) best wishes Gary, and Lea too, and have a great time when you finally get to 'vegas' ian ps; enjoy your birthday and champagne tomorrow. Posted by devonfish5
Sorry to go off the thread topic slightly but I'm sure there would be absolutely no reason to be fearful of meetin a lot of new folk, stammer or not.From any discussions online we've had on various topics you seem a really genuine and decent bloke(hope I'm not wrong lol).So I'm sure your fears would be totally unfounded m8.Is amazin what new things can do for someones confidence.
Well, tonight Lea116311 and myself had the good fortune to meet up with Ian during which he honoured our fun side-bet of a pint to whoever finished their bankroll challenge first. I can report that Ian is an absolutely top bloke, superb company, and even friendlier in real life than he is on the forum. I wish Ian every success at the tables, also I've done my best to persuade him to attend an SPT event at some time in the future so he can meet more of the Sky crowd.
i was about 10 minutes into replying and lost connection,so starting again,
what a lovely post.i am so glad that we met up as you never know how there things will go,do you.
i had a really nice time and Lea was lovely too.
i don't get out as much these days as i once did when i was younger so tonight was really really nice for me.
i do suffer with a slight stammer which although not as bad as it once was when i was really young,
it can be quite bad sometimes,especially when i get nervous,but fortunately i felt quite at ease tonight,so i'm hoping that it wasn't to bad.
as to the SPT,
that would be nice,but i'm not sure if i could put myself through it,as i know i would be so nervous just being there,without having to talk to everyone,even though i'm sure i would get a good welcome from everyone.
anyway,we will have to keep that on ice,for the moment.
let me finish by saying what a 'cool dude' that GaryQQQ is,so laid back.
he also knows a thing or two about poker too...i hate him. (only joking m8)
best wishes Gary, and Lea too,
and have a great time when you finally get to 'vegas'
ps; enjoy your birthday and champagne tomorrow.
The best I can offer is that I used to play Tiger Woods online. The first game I played we had me,a guy in the U.S., one in Denmark and one in Antarctica. So a worldwide game. I then played someone who lived 200 yards away.
As for the stammer, f@@k what people think - if they think or act bad then they ain't worth thinking about
Obviously you quite self aware of the stammer, so it gets worse when you meet new people etc..
Just a stammer, not alien to anyone -
just don't spit your beer over peole and you'll be fine )
had a really nice couple of hours or so last night with Gary & lea,
they are genuinely both great people.
as to the stammer....
someday's it's hardly noticeable,and y/day was a good day,as i felt totally at ease,which was nice.
i also can sometimes feel myself becoming hotter and then i start talking faster which i know i shouldn't as this then makes it worse.
i have always had this little problem,and i probably could/should either talk to someone about it,possibly my doctor, i guess,but as i am also quite shy too,i've never got around to it.
so it is something i live with and cover it up as best i can.
i know it's no 'big deal' in the grand scheme of things,so as the saying goes 'move on',
i hope to possibly make it to an SPT event, one day, as it would be lovely to meet you all.
best wishes to everyone.
ian (aka;dev)
What a grand thread!
Meeting "internet friends" in real life is the greatest, especially when they are like-minded people.
The stammer......
Devon, I know how it must seem, I had a stammer as a child, but these days, society is much more understanding of these things, & anyone who thinks less of someone with a stammer is not worth worrrying about.
In some ways, society has lower standards these days, but in many other ways, it is far far better than 50 or 60 years ago. Back then, our parents & grand-parents mocked or dissed black people, gay people, those with disabilities (mental & physical) quite openly.
Nowadays, except for trolls on the internet, people are so much better, & more understanding of life, & people.
Come to an SPT if you can - you'll have an absolute ball, I promise.
On the stammer. Listen completely to what Tikay has posted above, he's 100% on the money. In my private life I have a ton of expereince with this, attitudes have changed.
Come to a SPT, you'll have a lovely time. Give me a tap on the shoulder, introduce yourself and we'll have a beer.
What a cracking coincidence. Devon, i wish you all the best...get to an SPT make. You may be anxious but as Tikay said, in general society is much more accepting of minor(yes, i know it seems big to you at times, but that's your perception mate) disabilities. The people that aren't accepting are not worth making friends with anyway.
I think i may be able to match your coincidence too. I was playing at a sky table and with my place of residence showing as Liverpool someone put in chat.."where in Liverpool m8" i put norris green and got "snap!". "Do you know The Strand?"..."i live right there"....This went on until we found that we lived in the same half of the same short road on the same side and for over 25 years on and off!!!!
He is very well known on the site and successful too. Not sure if he want's it known so i'll leave his name out but that just knocked me sideways.....
It's good to get a connection with other players. I've always been an outgoing type (my mum always said "hates embarrassing silences" ie talks for England). It's nice to see that poker, which you'd think could be a lonely pastime, can have a group type friendliness. That's why the forum, leagues and teams are so good for SKY IMO. All the best guys...
it is very much appreciated.
i think we had a 'difference of opinions' shall we say a little while back,over something silly like the possibility of a new DYM level between the £5 level & the £11 level,which looking back on my part now i could have perhaps been a little more diplomatic shall we say.but that's not admitting that i was wrong about not needing a 'new level'.as i still think there is still a good case for introducing one.but hey...let's not go back there again.
but i am apologising to you now,as i'm sure i said one or two things that were pephaps not necessary,
sorry for that Tony.
i have watched 'your interview' with your 'side kick' Richard Orford btw,twice,and it was/is an amazing story.
i found it truly inspirational and not to mention heart-warming too.
as to my 'little problem' which let's face it that's what it is,i would say 90-95% of the time it's fine and as Gary has kindly mentioned,almost un-noticeable,but just occasionally i do get 'tounge tied'and it's as if my talking speeds up and i almost am trying to say the next word before the 1st word comes out,if that makes any sense.
anyway,i'm sure that most of the time 'i get it just about right' so i'm happy with that,and i'm sure to that it probably sounds worse to me than it actually does to the people who may or may not should they choose to be listening to me. lol
as to the possibility of coming to an SPT i'm sure that it is possible and i would love to come to one,oneday.,and meet up with you all.
i've already today spoken to my brother Mark(snugs1963) about us both going and he seemed quite keen about it. and the word Cardiff was mentioned,so......?
thanks again Tony,
best wishes.
ian aka dev
be nice to meet you, hopefully one day,oh and i will deffo tap you on that shoulder...
as long as you're buying!!! lol
(* *)
nice words.
so sorry m8,if i have.
just want to say a BIG thank you to everyone that's posted,if i may. all the comments are very much appreciated, and sorry for not replying individually to every post.
and again thank you especially to Gary,on his 'special day'
(* *)
Nice posts dev, I used to (and still do occasionally) suffer from a stammer so I know where your coming from. But as Tommy and Tikay have said, people are usually very understanding these days, and most won't treat you any differently. Also, if most of the time people don't notice it, I think it might be what's known as an interiorised stammer, and it's more brought on by being self-conscious of it than anything else. If you try not to take too much notice of it then I'm sure you'll be just fine.
All the best, and good luck with getting to an SPT!
i think as you say i am self-conscious of it more than anything and am aware of it when it does start to happen.
i am normally able to get through it but just sometimes it does get the better of me,but tbh it is only occasionally,thank goodness.
am confident i will get to an SPT,hopefully anyway one day.
ty for the post.
alot of people most probably scared to go to a spt with the lights cameras and thought of getting a interview would really put me of tbh i just want to play poker not have the cameras on me sounds very nerve racking i have never been to a casino but going to the vic in london most probably on friday to rail my mum in a £550 main event im bricking it more then her and not even playing it
look forward to it