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Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)



  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Well, thanks for making it seem so much worse than it really was. First and last time I post a hand to the show
    Posted by percival09
    Sorry if I went OTT, but I'm keen to restore a sense of respect and politeness to the world of on-line poker.
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Well, thanks for making it seem so much worse than it really was. First and last time I post a hand to the show
    Posted by percival09

    Don't tap the tank! 
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***) : Sorry if I went OTT, but I'm keen to restore a sense of respect and politeness to the world of on-line poker.
    Posted by J-Hartigan
    Good luck on that one! 
  • edited September 2012
    Mr WHoever puts the post thro',
    Well, i've watched all the progs guys(yes you in the booth) and i tried to make fun of your mess up but im playing and having people say "What are you doing putting that hand on...its obv how to play". You are making me look a fool. Why cant you say an error has been by you and that the hand was about different scenarios and getting value if utg bets out on flop.  Remembersir without the community you won't have hands...oh forget i give up......thanks for the tilt and chucking two tournaments down the drain for what should have been an enjoyable evening.....cheers
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Well, thanks for making it seem so much worse than it really was. First and last time I post a hand to the show
    Posted by percival09
    Percival, you know I respect you more than a little... but you have to admit there's a pretty big difference to the language that can be used between regulars in the forum and the language that's appropriate for the telly.

    It's inevitable that the presenter is going to rebuke that sort of terminology because these people are going to be watching the show. "Fish" might not be the most derogatory term out there but it's not nice to be on the receiving end of it. The telly folks can't exactly be seen to be tolerating insulting language, even if it is pretty mild. Just temper the language a little.

    There's no reason why you shouldn't post more hands on the show thread in future. It's only a minor kerfuffle.
  • edited September 2012
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***) : Percival, you know I respect you more than a little... but you have to admit there's a pretty big difference to the language that can be used between regulars in the forum and the language that's appropriate for the telly. It's inevitable that the presenter is going to rebuke that sort of terminology because these people are going to be watching the show. "Fish" might not be the most derogatory term out there but it's not nice to be on the receiving end of it. The telly folks can't exactly be seen to be tolerating insulting language, even if it is pretty mild. Just temper the language a little. There's no reason why you shouldn't post more hands on the show thread in future. It's only a minor kerfuffle.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    I guess. I obviously didn't call him a huge fish for him to be made a mockery of, it's just how I recall the hand and how I labelled the player in my notes. It's fine. 
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Mr WHoever puts the post thro', Well, i've watched all the progs guys(yes you in the booth) and i tried to make fun of your mess up but im playing and having people say "What are you doing putting that hand on...its obv how to play". You are making me look a fool. Why cant you say an error has been by you and that the hand was about different scenarios and getting value if utg bets out on flop.  Remembersir without the community you won't have hands...oh forget i give up......thanks for the tilt and chucking two tournaments down the drain for what should have been an enjoyable evening.....cheers
    Posted by profman15
    Come on now Profman, people make little slip-ups all the time, don't be getting steamed up about this one.

    I have to admit, as clinic hands go it was a pretty funny one without more of your comments: "I flopped trips, should I call the all-in?" I'm sure your comments would have made the hand more relevant for the show but I'm pretty sure that most of the audience would have sniffed out the little thing that was missing. It's unlikely that many players were actually left thinking you didn't know if you should get it in on the flop.

    I had a wee little rant a while ago about something on the show... but I felt a proper muppet the next day. It's just a little mistake in a five-hour show. They're bound to happen.

    You've got to remember that not all the producers and off-camera people are poker experts. It's difficult to always understand what you're asking, particularly if the questions are based on hypotheticals.
  • edited September 2012
    tillt used to be called   "chasing"   ie chasing your money when looseing
  • edited September 2012
    First night back for me watching the live show as we have had scaffolding up for 2months and it knocked out the signal !

    Hoping to see Anna's legs , and what do I get , TK and James !  oh well, enjoying the big pots

  • edited September 2012

    NFL tips.  talk to me.
  • edited September 2012
    James - In regards to your cat problem........ get a dog :)
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    James - In regards to your cat problem........ get a dog :)
    Posted by Sky_Louis
    Yeah James, get a dog. Then you don't have to worry about it going in the hall, you just have to follow it around with a plastic bag... Much better.

    (Dogs are better, though)
  • edited September 2012
    you have to completly get rid of any smell where the cat peed,change the carpet watever,they have a very good sence of smell and if they can smell where they last peed they will  keep doing it there!
  • edited September 2012
    James, have you tried the housing training method usually done on dogs of rubbing the cat's face in the whoopsie?  Gotta be cruel to be kind, or at least have a non smelly hall.
  • edited September 2012
    put show on at 11 o clock ,since then 1 out of 6 hands who were miles ahead hav lost ,ask tekay if this site is not fixed thanks
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    hi james and tikay oli here, havent seen much of tonights show just tuned in! just wondering whether there will be anymore of the documentary style shows like the one made about tikay about any of the other presenters or analysts?
    Posted by olimboro
    Hi Oli,

    There are some in the pipeline.... should hopefully be coming in the near future />

    We'll keep you posted on the forum and on channel 861.

    All the best
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***) : Come on now Profman, people make little slip-ups all the time, don't be getting steamed up about this one. I have to admit, as clinic hands go it was a pretty funny one without more of your comments: "I flopped trips, should I call the all-in?" I'm sure your comments would have made the hand more relevant for the show but I'm pretty sure that most of the audience would have sniffed out the little thing that was missing. It's unlikely that many players were actually left thinking you didn't know if you should get it in on the flop. I had a wee little rant a while ago about something on the show... but I felt a proper muppet the next day. It's just a little mistake in a five-hour show. They're bound to happen. You've got to remember that not all the producers and off-camera people are poker experts. It's difficult to always understand what you're asking, particularly if the questions are based on hypotheticals.
    Posted by BorinLoner

    Hi Borin

    You speak good sense mate and what you say is true. I feel a bit of a muppet today. Especially as Louis did send my an email to my hotmail account apologising but i didn't read until later. Really my q involved different scenarios in order to get more value from these type of hands so it wasn't really about whether i should go ALL-IN. That was a no braner. It was what to do if say UTG bet haf pot etc...that sort of stuff. Anyway no worries. i'm putting the hand in clinic today to get yours and others opinions for the q's i'd asked.
    I was trying to play a couple of BH's, watch Tikay and send off mails to the prog. I tilted and got flummoxed. It took on a greater importance than it should. I'm laughing about it now so all's well that end's well eh?
    I appreciate the post fella...cheers...
  • edited September 2012

    Hi Proffy.

    Sorry I could not respond before, I've been offline since the Show ended @ Midnight.

    Pleased to see we are cool now & thank you for the Post. I've been fretting about this all morning, truth be told. (I'm a born whittler & fretter).  

    I don't really know how the confusion/error/faux paus occurred to be honest.

    When e-Mails come into the Studio, if they are long, or contain several subjects (sometimes related, sometimes not) they are often "edited" (shortened) by the Gallery before they come into the Studio - the Presenter is "working" the Show, he has 3 cameras, 4 people talking "down his ear", da de da, & would not have the necessary focus to absorb it all otherwise. Last night, for example, the number of incoming e-Mails was huge, as many as we have ever had I suspect.

    The Gallery generally do these things correctly, so does the Presenter, but, you know, sometimes betwixt cup & lip, stuff becomes out of context, & can look bad, or not as intended.

    I suspect that was the crux of the issue last night.

    The oddity is that as I commented on the hand, I could SEE something was a bit peculiar, but what with so much going off, I was not able to deduce what exactly was not running true.
    Just one of those things I'm afaid. I hope it never spoilt your evening's poker too much. 

    As an aside - not an excuse, but an observation - a 5 hour Live Show without a Guest is pretty intense for the Crew & "Talent", especially with the added responsibility of the Sky Sports Simulcast, where it is "socks pulled up to the knees & behave" sorta thing.

    Challenges, mallenges, la la la.   

  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    hi james and tikay oli here, havent seen much of tonights show just tuned in! just wondering whether there will be anymore of the documentary style shows like the one made about tikay about any of the other presenters or analysts?
    Posted by olimboro
    Hi Oli, Welcome to the Forum.

    When time permits, yes, I expect so. There's never enough hours in the day to do everything, that's the problem.

    Which Presenter/Analyst would you most like to see a documentary about?
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Well, thanks for making it seem so much worse than it really was. First and last time I post a hand to the show
    Posted by percival09
    Hi Percy,

    Seems we had an "interesting" Show last night.

    You said previously that a "fish" is.....

    "....An inexperienced or unskilled player, especially such a player who loses significant amounts of money....."

    I think there is a serious disconnent here.

    As a Business, or a Show, we are never, not never EVER, going to suggest that ANY valued Client is a "fish". It's just not done - it would be commercial suicide, & a lot of angry players would jump on us from a great height if we were to.

    Worse, the so-called "fish" would not exactly take kindly to a TV Show describing him as someone who loses significant amonts of money. So what do you think he or she would do? Correct, they would do a flounce, & leave the Site Which is EXACT OPPOSITE of the Show's predominate reason d'etre. We exist to get MORE Clients, not less.

    Surely you can see that? "Inexperienced", "newbie", "learning the ropes", these are all fine & dandy. "Fish" is not.
    That is the "Business" answer.

    On a personal level, it distresses me muchly that lack of respect is now so prevelant in online poker.

    Respect for our opponents is key if we want to beat them, & besides that, it just seems jolly rude to be so demeaning about someone just because they are new to the game, or have lesser talents than you. (It almost NEVER happens in "Live" Poker, because it means saying it to someone's face).

    If you work alongside a bloke who is a grade below you, & he earns a grand a year less, do you call him a thicko? I think not....We are not all of equal ability, but that does not give anyone the right to insult from on high.

    I hope I have never referred to another player as a "fish" in my life, & I never will. Maybe that is because it takes one to recognize one......

    Anyway, I'm sorry that our comments upset you - that was not the intention. But don't hold your breath if you think we are going to start deliberately insulting our Clients, 'cos it ain't gnna happen. The very first time I call a player a "fish" on the Show, the tin tack awaits.

    I guess that we often upset our Clients, but never deliberately, & we never set out to deliberatey demean them.

    Hope that all makes some sense.      
  • edited September 2012
    I completely understand and agree with your response Tikay. I just think James could have substituted the word for another without making such a big deal out of it on live tv. 

    Anyway I don't want to make this a bigger deal than it is - I understand I may have over-reacted or whatever but it's fine now from my point of view so sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & tikay (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Hi Proffy. Sorry I could not respond before, I've been offline since the Show ended @ Midnight. Pleased to see we are cool now & thank you for the Post. I've been fretting about this all morning, truth be told. (I'm a born whittler & fretter).   I don't really know how the confusion/error/ faux paus occurred to be honest. When e-Mails come into the Studio, if they are long, or contain several subjects (sometimes related, sometimes not) they are often "edited" (shortened) by the Gallery before they come into the Studio - the Presenter is "working" the Show, he has 3 cameras, 4 people talking "down his ear", da de da, & would not have the necessary focus to absorb it all otherwise. Last night, for example, the number of incoming e-Mails was huge, as many as we have ever had I suspect. The Gallery generally do these things correctly, so does the Presenter, but, you know, sometimes betwixt cup & lip, stuff becomes out of context, & can look bad, or not as intended. I suspect that was the crux of the issue last night. The oddity is that as I commented on the hand, I could SEE something was a bit peculiar, but what with so much going off, I was not able to deduce what exactly was not running true.    Just one of those things I'm afaid. I hope it never spoilt your evening's poker too much.  As an aside - not an excuse, but an observation - a 5 hour Live Show without a Guest is pretty intense for the Crew & "Talent", especially with the added responsibility of the Sky Sports Simulcast, where it is "socks pulled up to the knees & behave" sorta thing. Challenges, mallenges, la la la.   
    Posted by Tikay10
    Cheers Tikay
    I appreciate the reply and think you do a grand job you said 5 hours without a guest is too going .....
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