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Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?

edited September 2012 in Poker Chat
I've noticed this happens quite alot, in the later stages of tournaments as players are moved tables / tables are broken, it always seems to happen that a large proportion of the bigger stacks end up on the same table rather than being evenly distributed amongst all the tables as you would expect.

Is it just me imgaining it / having selective memory or have others noticed this?

Is this likely to be connected to how the software selects the players to be moved when tables are broken?


  • edited September 2012
    Hi Sly

    Why would software be deliberately written to bring this about? I can't see it myself. Maybe those couple of occasions it's happened has been skewed in your mind towards the "its always happening " end of the probability
    Anyway mate, it's just more chips for you to accumulate. Cheers
  • edited September 2012

    I never suggested the software was deliberately written to bring this about, just asked if it could be related to how tables are broken which is a completely different thing.

    This is in no way a Sky Poker is rigged type thread, that's not what I'm suggesting.

    far as I'm concerned I've got to beat them all at some point so bring on the big stacks :)

  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    I've noticed this happens quite alot, in the later stages of tournaments as players are moved tables / tables are broken, it always seems to happen that a large proportion of the bigger stacks end up on the same table rather than being evenly distributed amongst all the tables as you would expect. Is it just me imgaining it / having selective memory or have others noticed this? Is this likely to be connected to how the software selects the players to be moved when tables are broken?
    Posted by Slykllist
    Hi Simon,

    In short, "no", or not that I am aware of.

    Why would it?
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    I never suggested the software was deliberately written to bring this about, just asked if it could be related to how tables are broken which is a completely different thing. This is in no way a Sky Poker is rigged type thread, that's not what I'm suggesting. far as I'm concerned I've got to beat them all at some point so bring on the big stacks :)
    Posted by Slykllist
    Hi Sly

    Never suggested you were. Just can't see how stack size would be a consideration when configuring tables...tat's all.
    PS my virtual emoticon is showing a smiley face
  • edited September 2012
    I've noticed the same thing as you Slykllist, not that it bothers me too much.

    It's a only an annoyance when you're shortstacked & grimly hanging on for a cash, on a table of shorty's who are folding a lot, then get stuck on a table with 4 or 5 bigstacks who just call you off and knock you out!!!

    Never mind, these days I'm usually out by that stage anyway :)
  • edited September 2012
    random seating

    rarther have bigs stacks on my table anyway = more chips to win

    if you have a big stack you have to take another one at some point
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    I've noticed this happens quite alot, in the later stages of tournaments as players are moved tables / tables are broken, it always seems to happen that a large proportion of the bigger stacks end up on the same table rather than being evenly distributed amongst all the tables as you would expect. Is it just me imgaining it / having selective memory or have others noticed this? Is this likely to be connected to how the software selects the players to be moved when tables are broken?
    Posted by Slykllist
    I have thought the same thing many times. not knowing how the software works i just thought the tables balanced that way to make it fair for the short stack players. i suppose there must be a formula the software adopts to balance the tables. perhaps tk could help explain it to you. mind you there always seems to be at least one short stack when it happens so make hay while you have the chance.
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    In Response to Why do big stacks always end up on the same table? : Hi Simon, In short, "no", or not that I am aware of. Why would it?
    Posted by Tikay10
    No idea, if I had any clue I'd have made a sugesstion.
  • edited September 2012
    I have noticed it before now that sometimes the table balancing seems a bit off. I always assumed that they would try to balance the chipstacks as evenly as possible. I think jjjach mentioned it the other day when he wa railing me that 3 out of the 4 bigstacks were at the same table when there were 8 players left. The "worse" example I had, quite a bit ago now, was when with 8 left the top 4 were at the same table. We had about 80% of the chips on our table. Which probably didn't please the other table.
  • edited September 2012

    yes, it happens up until it doesn't

  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    I have noticed it before now that sometimes the table balancing seems a bit off. I always assumed that they would try to balance the chipstacks as evenly as possible. I think jjjach mentioned it the other day when he wa railing me that 3 out of the 4 bigstacks were at the same table when there were 8 players left. The "worse" example I had, quite a bit ago now, was when with 8 left the top 4 were at the same table. We had about 80% of the chips on our table. Which probably didn't please the other table.
    Posted by FlyingDagg
    Hi Daggy,

    I need to address several points in this thread. I'll start at the bottom - chronologically that is - & work up.

    I'm afraid you assumed wrongly, as that would be perfectly improper.

    It's the same as it is in Live Poker - chip stack size is NOT part of the Table Balancing criteria.
    It often happens that the balancing does result in "lop-sided" Tables. There would be something amiss if it did not.
    When I played that Vegas WSOP Event this year, with 12 left, I was on the "shorty" table. Not ONE player on my table had more than 17 x BB. (We were 6 handed). The other Table contained over 80% of the chips!

    It just happens, but like bad beats, for some of us, they lodge in the memory more prominently than when we get lucky. The human mind is a peculiar thing.
    Taking of which......I often see Posts bemoaning the fact that someone is drawn on a table of big Stacks, which puzzles me, just as complaning about "away" players always makes me go cross-eyed. Be assured, Billy Big Stack does NOT want to be on a table of shorties in a regular freezeout. But he just has to accept what happens. In a fast tournament, chances re he'll be moving again quite soon. It's just another challenge that poker sets us. It is not always a fair game.    

    Conventional poker wisdom is clear on this. Given the choice, (except, say, in Bounty Hunters in some cases) we SHOULD wish we were on the Table with the bigger stacks.

    Stack size is not part of the table balancing criteria on any Oline Poker site anywhere, or not that I am aware of.

    Hope that clears up any misunderstanding.

  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    In Response to Why do big stacks always end up on the same table? : I have thought the same thing many times. not knowing how the software works i just thought the tables balanced that way to make it fair for the short stack players. i suppose there must be a formula the software adopts to balance the tables. perhaps tk could help explain it to you. mind you there always seems to be at least one short stack when it happens so make hay while you have the chance.
    Posted by drumahai05
    Hi Joe, (& Simon).

    "making it fair" for the short stacks? Putting them, deliberately, on a table full of shorties would make it UNfair, not fair.

    There is a forumala, but I don't know what it is, & to be honest, I have never thought to question it. Logic suggests it would make no sense so to do, & "messing" with the formula to show favour to either big or small stacks is just plain wrong. To what end would they do that? Why would the Site wish deliberately to favour OR penalise any player?

    Luck plays a HUGE part in poker. We suck out, we get outdraws, we get a good player to our left (ugh) or to our right (happy days), we win races, or lose them, we get Tables with mountainous stacks, we get a table full of bowls. It is just how poker is, & is intended to be.
    I'll try & find out what that forumala is, & let you know if I do, but the chances are, it will be all binary & gobbledegooky nonsense to me, so I doubt I'll be able to explain it coherently.
    I hope that helps explain it. A bit. ;)  
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
     as players are moved tables / tables are broken, it always seems to happen that a large proportion of the bigger stacks end up on the same table rather than being evenly distributed amongst all the tables as you would expect. Is it just me imgaining it / having selective memory or have others noticed this? Is this likely to be connected to how the software selects the players to be moved when tables are broken?
    Posted by Slykllist
    Surely in the latter stages the majority are fairly big stacked?
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    In Response to Why do big stacks always end up on the same table? : Surely in the latter stages the majority are fairly big stacked?
    Posted by DAVEYZZ
    Hi Mr M,

    How's Sunny Bridlington?

    Relative to their starting stack, yes, relative to each other, no. They are presumably ranged either side of "average".

    Relative to average, there wil be, roughly, & subject to normal deviation, as many above average as below average. 

    In last night's Sky Sports BH, for example, Billy Big Stack began the final with more chips than the other 5 players put together, so the average was skewed. He was "hitting cards", & one Gent wrote in & noted that there had been 5 outdraws in 6 hands, all, it would seem in his favour. He finished third, as Mrs Variance decided to pay a visit.      
  • edited September 2012
    It is one of these things that once we get it into our mind, or once someone points it out on a forum, suddenly we notice it.  

    Of course most of the time, it doesn't happen and we forget about those times.

    And as Tikay says, this happens in live poker too.  It is just part of the 'luck' of the draw.  

    Just one of those quirks of the mind and happens in so many things in life.  I used to have this one thing where I seemed to wake up so often at seemed to happen too often to be a coincidence....then I brought it up with my A-Level Psychology teacher and he explained it too me in a way that I wish I could replicate here!

    Their are many other similar theroies that are popular too.  The withdrawal curse is probably the most popular one and I've heard it about dozens of sites....well every month I make a withdrawal (sometimes 2 or 3) and I've yet to suffer this curse.  Never suffered the curse on any other sites I've player either.  Funny that.

  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table? : Hi Joe, (& Simon). "making it fair " for the short stacks? Putting them, deliberately, on a table full of shorties would make it UNfair, not fair. There is a forumala, but I don't know what it is, & to be honest, I have never thought to question it. Logic suggests it would make no sense so to do, & "messing" with the formula to show favour to either big or small stacks is just plain wrong. To what end would they do that? Why would the Site wish deliberately to favour OR penalise any player? Luck plays a HUGE part in poker. We suck out, we get outdraws, we get a good player to our left (ugh) or to our right (happy days), we win races, or lose them, we get Tables with mountainous stacks, we get a table full of bowls. It is just how poker is, & is intended to be.   I'll try & find out what that forumala is, & let you know if I do, but the chances are, it will be all binary & gobbledegooky nonsense to me, so I doubt I'll be able to explain it coherently.   I hope that helps explain it. A bit. ;)    
    Posted by Tikay10
    hi tk thank you for responding sorry if it seemed like i was complaining be asuered i was not. just tryed in my own double Dutch way to tell simon i had noticed the same thing. as for binary lol im clueless and want to stay that way thanks. what i tryed to say badly was i get me cards, i dont care if the guy is big chip or small, i play them cards to the best of my ability and what comes comes win or lose. just wish it could be more win then lose:((
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table? : hi tk thank you for responding sorry if it seemed like i was complaining be asuered i was not. just tryed in my own double Dutch way to tell simon i had noticed the same thing. as for binary lol im clueless and want to stay that way thanks. what i tryed to say badly was i get me cards, i dont care if the guy is big chip or small, i play them cards to the best of my ability and what comes comes win or lose. just wish it could be more win then lose:((
    Posted by drumahai05
    Hi Joe,

    No, I never saw it as a "complaint" by either you or Simon, more as an "observation", but I thought it was worth trying to explain, albeit inadequately, simply because several Posts on the thread suggested players THOUGHT that it was done deliberately, to make it more or less "fair".
    You are Dutch? Well I never......
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table? : Hi Mr M, How's Sunny Bridlington? Relative to their starting stack, yes, relative to each other, no. They are presumably ranged either side of "average". Relative to average, there wil be, roughly, & subject to normal deviation, as many above average as below average.  In last night's Sky Sports BH, for example, Billy Big Stack began the final with more chips than the other 5 players put together, so the average was skewed. He was "hitting cards", & one Gent wrote in & noted that there had been 5 outdraws in 6 hands, all, it would seem in his favour. He finished third, as Mrs Variance decided to pay a visit.        
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hi Tony it is indeed sunny in Bridlington today I have just had to close the blinds to see my iPad screen,a waste I know.
    Yes I guess you are right but as I don't seem to get a big stack or reach the latter stages of a Tourney at the moment I wasn't quite sure...... I aim to put this right at dusk till dawn six max table I will see you there,cheers,dave
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table?:
    In Response to Re: Why do big stacks always end up on the same table? : Hi Mr M, How's Sunny Bridlington? Relative to their starting stack, yes, relative to each other, no. They are presumably ranged either side of "average". Relative to average, there wil be, roughly, & subject to normal deviation, as many above average as below average.  In last night's Sky Sports BH, for example, Billy Big Stack began the final with more chips than the other 5 players put together, so the average was skewed. He was "hitting cards", & one Gent wrote in & noted that there had been 5 outdraws in 6 hands, all, it would seem in his favour. He finished third, as Mrs Variance decided to pay a visit.        
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hi Tony it is indeed sunny in Bridlington today I have just had to close the blinds to see my iPad screen,a waste I know.
    Yes I guess you are right but as I don't seem to get a big stack or reach the latter stages of a Tourney at the moment I wasn't quite sure...... I aim to put this right at dusk till dawn six max table I will see you there,cheers,dave
  • edited September 2012
    (I haven't had time to read the other 19 replies) It feels like the draws are lop-sided to me too sometimes, but I'm certain it's just a selective memory thing. When the draw is well balanced you don't notice or even think about it, whereas if you have all big stacks drawn together obviously it's going to stand out.

    If I find myself with other big stacks I look at it as a positive. For example yesterday in a £5.75 BH just after the bubble had gone my pocket 88 clashed with QJ on an 8JQ flop, obviously all the chips went in. In situations like that I'd much prefer my opponent to have me covered rather than the reverse, that way I'm great shape for a full double-up rather than win smaller boost to my stack. eg if I have 25K chips I want the QJ guy to have 25K+, I dont want him to have say 5K.

    If you're the 5K short-stack at the table in that spot it makes no difference how big the others are, anything over 5K is effectively the same as that's the most you can win off anybody.

    A couple of the weeks ago in the Sat night Mini BH I was 5th/125 at one point, yet only 3rd/5 at my table. It seemed highly unlikely at the time, but it didn't affect my chances at all, I went on the finish as runner-up.
  • edited September 2012
    Yep it hapens but as stated above its random although when your on 10bb and the reat of the table is 50 deep it never looks that way. One of the main gripes on table breaking is moving people from bb position to utg. At our games we always move utg to utg on the next table
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