click on the player who you would like to mae a note about a little box will appear (i think its green but it may be yellow) then click inside the box type your note and simply click save. a little note icon will then appear by that player for the rest of that game and any time u meet in the future. hope this helps
What a place this is. A question is asked, & gets three great replies within 4 minutes. sick* * Sick good, not sick bad, or even sick sick. . Posted by Tikay10
Failing that just click on the players name and a sticky not will apear where you can make notes also
e.g. c/r flop then jammed turn after a brick with fd
or something
What a place this is. A question is asked, & gets three great replies within 4 minutes.
* Sick good, not sick bad, or even sick sick. .
There you go, a bit of love for you too.....
ty and a post from legend TIKAY great stuff guys