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Sunday's live show with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)



  • edited September 2012
    Hi James and Ryan

    After hearing your lost in translation in the style of TK i thought ryan was quite harsh on you!!!! it was like TK was in the room :)

    really enjoying the show
  • edited September 2012
    Hand request from the 5K BHer.  Please cover the other cards.  A bit of a 'did he have it?' post but interesting to see what range Ryan would put the villian on with such a dry board.  I had them on top two, sets or maybe an OESD pushing a semi bluff.  I felt he was only ever beating me on the turn.

    Hand History #566986685
  • edited September 2012
    Hand request from the primo. Is there any getting away from this? Villain had been limping a lot but had always raised with a pocket pair so I ruled out a set.....put the guy on a flush draw or A8 maybe.

    Should I just shove? I think my 3 bet sizing is all wrong? Should i just flat and see what the turn brings?

    Hand History #567006868 (22:02 23/09/2012)

  • edited September 2012
    Just to pick up on the iPad at a live table issue:

    If you think that tablets should be permitted and that you should be able to do whatever you like with them, what do you chaps think of using pokerstove during a hand?

    "Hang on mate, I'm just going to stove your range." lol

    I'm not convinced that would be in line with the "spirit" of the game, if such a thing exists. I don't like having iPads at the table, though.
  • edited September 2012
    Thanks for showing that hand guys.  I really only put the OESD in my post range to make sure I didn't look silly if he flipped over QT.  And Ryan was correct, I thought I was dead on the flop but in game my mind went, 'it's Aces, call one at least'

    BTW James, the Kansas City Chiefs finally won a game tonight.  Woo, and indeed, hoo!
  • edited September 2012
    just question for ryan in the primo blinds are 200/400 after 2 bad hands for me costing me 10k  i can feel me sliping slightly into tilt mode and so close to doing the wrong thing at this point in the tourny what does ryan suggest to do to avoid tilt as leaving for 5 10 mins would be damaging to my stack?
  • edited September 2012
    evening both

    personally and call me old fashioned but i like to talk when im playing live poker.

    The majority of players if you are pro active and friendly enjoy talking at the table.

    Am i the only one who finds it a bit disturbing that somebody cant escape online poker even when playing live?

    no offence to ryan who is a good guy

  • edited September 2012
    hi james and ryan great show, the previous spt have always been the last week in october. I usually miss the first spt as i am on holiday.  So I moved my hols  a week forward so i dont miss the 6 max, which i really want to play.
    lo and behold spt moved.  one consolation i will be in vegas. tina
  • edited September 2012

    Wow! I thought Carlo couldn't make the show tonight but that was a nice little cameo from him... He's looking a bit paler than I remember... and taller...

  • edited September 2012
    been abused in the chatbox again
    nothing new
    no new clever words
    but very tiresome

    sky , this happens too often, sort it out

  • edited September 2012
    re last post
    thank you james
    will take advice

  • edited September 2012
    heres a hand you could show feel free to insult my play wasnt the best by me

    hand id: 567042381

    could you mask other hands and see what you would do diff?
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday's live show with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    been abused in the chatbox again nothing new no new clever words but very tiresome sky , this happens too often, sort it out memfno
    Posted by memfno
    Just sit back and enjoy it

    I had some hilarious abuse directed at me yesterday.  It made a brilliant hand even better.

    I called a min raise with suited connectors (admittedly only 4,5).

    Flop gave me the low end of a straight, plus a flush draw.

    Cut a long story short, there were raises and reraises on flop and turn, and then the river gave me a straight flush (and my opponent the nut flush).

    More raising and re-raising until it was all in.

    Cue my opponent calling me all sorts of things in the chatbox

    I was laughing too much to bother typing out the reply and point out that the river had actually paired board, and so they would have been losing to a full house too.

  • edited September 2012
    Hi guys,

    Missed the show but can I win or have a free ticket lol

  • edited September 2012
    James you spoil sport was watching bad films lol
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday's live show with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    James you spoil sport was watching bad films lol
    Posted by MUTTZNUTZ
    Name and shame the movies!
  • edited September 2012
    will watch the back on sky plus

  • edited September 2012
    the big i am and win win 

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