Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
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Good morning.
A quick note to apologise for the unscheduled outage which affected all Sky Poker players for around 6 minutes last night, at 10.11pm.
In fact, it was right across all Sky Betting & Gaming sites, & affected all individuals who were on the platform equally. "Poker" is quite busy at that time of night, of course, more so perhaps than, say, "Bet", so it was most unfortunate for the poker players.
The problem was Guernsey-based & due to a network switch problem. Failover was deployed successfully, but there was a brief outage during this process.
All players were able to re-connect & play normally as soon as the problem resolved, & there were no residual issues.
Please speak to Customer Care if you have any queries, or feel you were disadvantaged relative to others. Queries about this cannot be resolved via the Community.
Terms & Conditions exist to cover such situations, & will be applied fairly.
Again, apologies for the Outage.
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If only it had happened an hour earlier, at least I may have been able to try and ask for my money back after donking all my chips off haha!!!
Can you have a word with the guy who's job title is "network switch" and ask him to flick it an hour earlier for me please?
Lol @ Trev.
It would have been much worse if it had happened at 8.11.
It would have been much better if it had not happened at all.
Talking of that 6 minute sweat.....
A friend of mine was playing the WSOP Main this year, & had gone very deep, Day 5 I think.
He got the lot in with 9-9, & got called by A-K of hearts, the flop was dealt, & came two hearts, so he was sweating "no heart, no A, no K" with 2 cards to come. He had a LOT of dodging to do, & if he held, he would have a Top 10 stack.
At that very moment, the ESPN camera crew were called across, & the Dealer was told not to deal the turn & river until they arrived. It took them EIGHT minutes to THAT was a sweat!
Poker gets us in some amazing spots & situations sometimes.
Talk about telling 'half a story'!!! lol . . . Did the 9's hold??
Whoops, sorry Joe.
No, the turn came the heart, & he went busto.
He's a seasoned Pro, he can handle that sort of stuff all day & night, as any half-decent pro can & should, but the 8 minute delay was not very nice, & quite un-necessary, in my opinion.
ESPN demand to film EVERY "all-in & call" from Day Three onwards, so they film, literally, hundreds of them. I doubt 5 of them make the TV Shows though.
ESPN are a major revenue source for the WSOP, & so some slack must be allowed, but the players derive not a cent of benefit, so it's a bit out of order really.
I guess Padzz77, they did not want to force the refund on you when you did not want it and decided to listen to the customer. :X
As far as I know, the site came back up after 6 minutes for everyone. The problem was not one of those frustrating "intermittent, some do some don't" things, it was a TOTAL outage.
It returned, literally, at the flick of a switch - go. I'm not an IT-savvy type, but I do know that even if it returns simultaneously for every single player - & it did - it still takes varying amounts of time to populate via different spec browsers & such like.
I'm sorry to hear of your previous experience with Customer Care. The reality is, in 95 cases out of a 100 (I just guessed those numbers...) it is "user end", & as you can imagine, in the world of gaming for money, a lot of people "try it on". Like you would not believe. So it is a very tough gig indeed for Customer Care of this or any other Gaming Company, trying to sort the wheat from the chaff.
I'm very surprised you were offered a refund which did not materisalise. If you have details of the when what & where, you should speak to them again, or write to them, & the matter will be properly resolved.
We could throw this back & forth all day. It should not have happened, it did, we apologise.
During the outage, the ENTIRE platform was unavailable, so it was not possible to set those sort of things up during the outage, however desirable they may or may not be.
The "Live analogy" I understand, but it is not really comparable.
Poker has a lot of "unfair/unlucky" ingredients, and if someone got unlucky here, it is, I wholly agree, very unfortunate. Others, luckier types, must have got lucky in exact proportion, I assume.
Personally, I prefer to look at the root cause of any problem in life, solve that, & nothing else need solving, as the reconnection rate was a collateral event.
The root cause was the real problem here, everything stemmed from that. For which I apologise, on behalf of the business.
"....So I shouldnt be unhappy because I lost chips? I should console myself with the thought that someone else was able to win them off me?....."
Well I never said that.
You asked a series of questions, & I tried to reply openly & honestly. Things happen sometimes, not always as intended.
You are entitled to be miffed, I simply tried to make the point that for every miffed player, there was an unmiffed (I just invented that word) player.
I'm sorry we are not on the same wavelength, & I repect your views.
Well if it was an hour last night, then there may be a completely different problem, or explanation.
The outage was exactly 6 minutes, & even allowing for repopulation & different reload speeds of various browsers, it would not take an hour to reconnect, so I'm a bit mystified by this.
Anyway, apologies, especially to the dog. Give my regards to Bono when you see him, too.
PS - Thank you for the very kind PM, much appreciated.
i don't know whether i am outraged yet. i will go and check to see whether i was still playing. one moment...
i can only describe last night's event at 10:11pm as almost outrageous. i was knocked out of the open at 10:03pm. i was almost outraged.
All i can advise is write to CS and give as much info as you possibly can about the the game. I was on the miffed side as some guy who must have been very unmiffed stole the blinds to win the game. I was compensated to some extent but i,d really like to know how ppl get back on quicker than others
Don,t think its down to browser as i tried Chrome and explorer 7. Could it be that its just some computers internet speeds. Thats the only thing i can think off, but i,m not a tekkie myself
Probably needs a overhall. But on the bright side it has never happened in a major hand or crunch time. So lucky me.
May be im talking outta place but just a suggestion