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40nl What do we do on the turn once we get raised do we go with it and shove here?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepupsterSmall blind £0.20£0.20£48.71Pullin01Big blind £0.40£0.60£5.01 Your hole cardsQQ DashFerrarCall £0.40£1.00£47.21ffh1967Call £0.40£1.40£23.71Jonno02Call £0.40£1.80£60.84IDONKCALLURaise £2.80£4.60£37.50pupsterFold Pullin01Fold DashFerrarCall £2.40£7.00£44.81ffh1967Call £2.40£9.40£21.31Jonno02Fold Flop 2410 DashFerrarCheck ffh1967Check IDONKCALLUBet £5.20£14.60£32.30DashFerrarFold ffh1967Raise £10.40£25.00£10.91
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1) His limp-call then min-raise the flop line screams of being a set-mine.
2) You posted the hand so I knew you must have lost. lol
Seriously though, I think folding would be pretty tight without reads that he only makes this min-raise with his big hands and not with TPTK or just as a bluff. Against his stack size you should get the lot in on the flop or call and get it in on the turn, I suppose.
I could definitely defend folding because this line is more often a big hand than anything else, in my experience. On a dry board like this it's going to be strong more often than not, as they can't realistically have a draw. There are good arguments for folding, though I doubt I'd do it.
I don't think it's as cut and dried as has been suggested.
oppo may aswel have typed it in chat
we then just level ourselves by saying oppo ain't got enough behind, maybe happy getting it in versus me with TP
does oppo not think about what your going to shove with ?
reads would be nice regarding pre and oppo tendacies with TP on flop
readless I just fold, If I think oppo will stack like this with TP and plays JJ this way then I shove
I guess you could say oppo has this much behind so is more likely to want to get it in with TP, but oppo that limp/calls pre and then goes like this on flop - not loving it - have you seen oppo readily getting it with TP hands before ?
Double chance tournament with starting stacks at 2k + 2k. First level, Blinds 25/50:
I'm in the big blind and the entire table limps. I look down at two red Queens and think "Hmmm... 3x + 1x per limper", so I make it 650 to go (I know that's 13x, not 12x). I get one caller. "Huh? What?"
Flop comes all low cards with two diamonds. I ask the guy how much he has back and he puts his remaining 950 in, out of turn. I snap call and he shows me 6d2d, with no pair. My QQ holds up.
So the question is; how far do we advise people to take this 3x + 1x system? lol
(Obviously I wouldn't go so big now I'm a bit more experienced. I final-tabled that tournament though.)