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it was all down hill after this,new he was flushing aswell you just gotta pray and i forgot 2 lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDOHHHHHHHSmall blind 75.0075.006680.00POKERTREVBig blind 150.00225.00935.00 Your hole cardsAQ davelufcFold ObanFold kaymacFold steelrodRaise 300.00525.0017330.00MacMonsterCall 300.00825.0011165.00petebrynCall 300.001125.004075.00MELLOR85Fold Bobsicool3Fold DOHHHHHHHFold POKERTREVFold Flop K4A steelrodBet 450.001575.0016880.00MacMonsterCall 450.002025.0010715.00petebrynCall 450.002475.003625.00Turn 8 steelrodBet 750.003225.0016130.00MacMonsterFold petebrynAll-in 3625.006850.000.00steelrodCall 2875.009725.0013255.00steelrodShowAQ petebrynShowAJ River 6 petebrynWinFlush to the Ace9725.00 9725.00
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