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Trying to resteal far from the money....ok?
Hi guys
Got low (set v set) and looking to steal/double up. This was a passive table at times and this opportunity presented itself. I thought my csi was high enough to prevent the call. Was this a bad move? I was fairly sure i'd have two live cards( so have min 34% equity) and any reraises i'd made had been shown to be strong at showdown. I didn't expect the call after the min raise TBH...silly or not?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerainman397Small blind 100.00100.003115.84profman15Big blind 200.00300.002146.26 Your hole cards87 MylenaCall 200.00500.0017663.32drylinerCall 200.00700.006354.58Mr_No_LuckFold £££
Raise 400.001100.009640.00rainman397Fold profman15All-in 2146.263246.260.00MylenaFold drylinerFold £££
Call 1946.265192.527693.74profman15Show87 £££
ShowJQ Flop J25 Turn 10 River 2 £££
WinTwo Pairs, Jacks and 2s5192.52 12886.26
0 ·
You should probably wait for an unopened pot.
However it was a very passive table. the min raise imo didn't represent anything particularly strong and i thought a very big reraise would push himawa or give me a 40:60 chance as i doubted he'd have TT+ with just the min raise so expected AJ at best. The play only has to work a certain percentage and if not can still win with twolive cards. Personally i think that it was a poor call. What did he expect to be playing. As you know some people just have fingers to close to the call button as its just easy and can lead to a fist pump!!! I know, i've dne it on three occasions today myself. Cheers for the input. You were right...he did call....i just don't think that the hand warranted a call.
Maybe but may i say that his odds were actually LESS than 1.7 to 1 so in fact he was not getting the odds recommended in articles i've seen r i'd not have shoved. As i say i expected from the bet made him to have a non premium hand certainly no pair. Possibly the only thing that pushed him was his stack size being comfortably off. I certainly wouldn't call with QJo for 1600 more after only investing a small amount. What would you have expeted me to haveif you were him? I just get the impression that the guy took a punt which is fair enough, i suppose. I need a rest from poker i think........cheers for your input...hope you don't mind me stating my case...feel free to tell me i've made an error in my thinking.cheers
Wow that was quick m8. Its still over 1900 to win 3000 not 1600 so we should use the correct odds. What did he think my range was i ask? I'd shown down,as i said, strong hands after reraising raises. Surely he should be think min 66+, ATs +,KJ+ AJ+ WHICH IS A 10% RANGE in which case his equity IS 32% against that. So i don't actually agree with that analysis as the pots odds don't give him 1 in three and the quity he should expect imo should be <=33%. It was deep stack and i was not down to 10 BB's ....this was intended as a resteal far from the money in which the opponent guesses your ranges and considers if he has the odds to call considering his equity against it. I took the chance his conservative raise after a limp would allow him to think i had something premium as there was 1000 chips sitting there. Didn't work but if i'd have been him, i'd have folded.
Hope your doing well in the dtd L, i'm out of all three through lack of patience and running into sets....cheers
thanks for your input. I'm probably just a little tired and found myself running into a couple of brick walls today. I'm probably trying too hard to justify the play. GL at the tables fella....i think i may give it a rest for a week then its Jamaica for two weeks so i'll probably have my love for the game back. i know i'm getting better at the analysis as a year ago i wouldn't have been cosidering what i do now but i can see there's a way to go and without patience the small errors get magnified.
I get the impression a lot of players go through a fed up stage from time to time. It is only recreational for me so if i'm not enjoying then stop...simple. I've offered advice to them so i should take it myself, shouldn't i?
However, having made this raise to then fold for your shove would be terrible and you shouldn't expect him to. The fact is that any raiser can see your stack and should be prepared to get it in against you and therefore they should need a hand that they feel is strong enough to do that. You should know that. Since our opponent has only min-raised into two limpers we should think that it looks like they're desperate for action, so their range should be stronger in our eyes, not weaker.
A stack of 11BB is not a 3-bet bluffing stack. We should forget about having any 3-bet fold equity once our stack drops below 15BB or so (except in some formats of sit and go's or satellites). At that point, nobody should ever be raising into us if they can't call for our stack.
Of course, that's not to say that they will never raise-fold for 11BB. Just that they shouldn't and you shouldn't expect them to unless you've seen it from them before.
Your posts have put very good points forward. TBH the fancy play was in my mind seeing the chips available. I was trying to persuade myself that the play was viable. And i suppose in some ways 40:60 isn't so bad when you feel that you need to take a chance soon.
Appreciate all your posts and they're certainly making me into a better player...cheers guys...i