What a difference a day makes, from winning last weeks League GaryQQQ finds himself towards the bottom with woogie8688 & the regular weekly wooden spoon contender MRBURNS4.
A couple of new faces to the top of the leaderboard but deserved to make the final table were ExLeper78 & WHEELS7161, very well played guys.
There were 40 runners in yesterdays tournie but only 17 had signed up for the League, if you are a regular on a table with people who might not be registered please mention it as they may be missing out on the £11 free seat.
Day 2 will start shortly so please register now for the £2.20 @ 2:20pm Deep stack, have fun guys.
had ah realy lucky run today,it was ah good game for which i havent enjoed in ages..never seen so many{AA}{KK}{QQ} so late into the tourny.needless to say ?.i finally won the afternoon game.
First of all I would like to thank GBUK for actually remembering to register for yesterday's Afternoon League, and her superb game saw her finish a very worthy 2nd although she was beaten to top spot by Rumble11 one of the League regulars who has finally shown his true ability. Congratulations sir very well played.
Emerson01 now leads the way at this early stage, but as GaryQQQ showed last week it is never too late to join in the fun of the £2.20 @ 2:20 Afternoon League.
I am afraid that as I will be being used as a pin cushion at the local hospital this afternoon I wont be able to play, but I hope that all those playing have an enjoyable afternoons poker & banter.
Sorry I missed all the fun yesterday guys, & believe me you had more fun than I did being made a human pincushion.
But with 4 League players making the final table it was probaly quite exciting as usual.
Congratulations to all those who made it with 2 fairly new players finishing very high in Sammydridd & DODGEYBOI but the worthy winner & regular player was Deuceman2, very well played sir.
So once again the battle will resume at 2:20 for the £2.20 Afternoon League Deep Stack tournament ( I really must just cut & paste that bit). And today I will be there to contribute my chips, so hopefully we get a good field fighting over them. ps Gemma DON'T FORGET
Once again it's all close at the top with 1 day still to play, here is the very latest scores on the doors for those who can still make the required 3 tournies.................
Apologies for my absence all, I think the injections I had on Wednesday were the Elephant tranquiliser's instead.
Looks like another close week with about 7 players able to claim top spot going into today's final tournament. The big question is can someone stop GaryQQQ from defending his crown & becoming the 1st back to back winner.
I can honestly say I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible, even though as jimb0d1 says there is a pretty good football game on.
WD sammy on your win and enjoy the tourney.By the way thanks for the rail you gave me, so supporting and your not at all competitive loooooool.Congrats.
WD sammy on your win and enjoy the tourney.By the way thanks for the rail you gave me, so supporting and your not at all competitive loooooool.Congrats. Posted by jjjach
Haha, In all fairness I wanted you to win the Deepy. Rather a DTD'r tid than a randomer.
I gotta give a special mention to GBUK, She persuaded me to play it as I don't like DS Tourneys. Lol.
Going to go for the first back to back wins now I'll give you all a headstart to as I can't play it today
Well who would have thought it possible, but yet again the Afternoon League went down to the final table of the final day & yet again an unbelievably close finish. Commiserations to GaryQQQ who narrowly failed to retain the trophy & to jjjach, who had he managed just the 1 place higher would have taken it on "countback". So another fantastic & enjoyable weeks poker saw Sammydrid being crowned as this weeks winner & winning (thanks to Tikay/Sky) a free seat into next weeks Sunday Superstack. Very well played indeed Sammy & again thanks to all who took part.
As a bit of a brag, I played yesterday's Sunday Superstack & thanks to the guys who railed me into 2nd place & a very nice prize of £100. So play this week & win the Afternoon League, and you never know, to steal a phrase out of I'm a Celebrity "It might be you".
Please note it's not necessary to play all 7 days
Good Luck All & Have Fun
:- 1 Woogie8688 2 MRBURNS4 3 Slykllist 4 Liamboi11 5 IDONKCALLU 6 jams88 7 hellraiser2 8 emerson01 9 Sus 10 notaclue2 11 Joe759017 12 KING2600 13 j3ono 14 scouse_red 15 67Bhoys 16 cenachav 17 profman15 18 TiltToMax 19 REDRicky 20 rumble11 21 WHEELS7161 22 wheels007 23 deuceman2 24 FLASHJONNY 25 DTWBANDIT 26 Kiwini4U 27 lilfish17 28 Dazler 29 Donut64 30 benny6076 31 rusty762 32 yidette9 33 Dumbmofo 34 MrJoeBlogs 35 jjjach 36 samboram45 37 lea116311 38 TheJoker 39 dryliner 40 spoony21 41 3Barrels 42 lordbobby 43 FlyingDagg 44 B007nd 45 biggs1050 46 rainman397 47 chrisp91 48 BETTY1TIME 49Bear_Proof 50 three33320 51 MYSHARKY 52 Spornybol 53 spurs_13 54 steelrod 55 Chubbers 56 Sammydrid 57 Glenelg 58 LisaR 59 Kazzzz 60 jimb01d 61 GARYQQQ 62 VK41 63 daggers747 64 addo07 65 ianm7310 66 morley0222 67 DOHHHHHHH 68 Stickler10 69 SaintEGN 70 ExLeper78 71 weeMallet 72 BIGAL36903 73 GBUK 74 pokerghost 75 Darntootin 76 Play2win02 77 DODGYBOI 78 Coolmark 79 Dagnamit
afternoon deepstack
First: 24/9/2012
Last: 2/10/2012
Good luck all.