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What do we do on the river i am strictly playing the player any other player i fold here thought ple
STR1BSSmall blind £0.10£0.10£50.37EvilPinguBig blind £0.20£0.30£62.71rancidSit out Your hole cards1010 IDONKCALLURaise £0.60£0.90£39.72POKEY2011Call £0.60£1.50£37.51STR1BSFold EvilPinguRaise £2.20£3.70£60.51IDONKCALLUCall £1.80£5.50£37.92POKEY2011Call £1.80£7.30£35.71Flop Q22 EvilPinguBet £5.00£12.30£55.51IDONKCALLUCall £5.00£17.30£32.92POKEY2011Fold Turn 9 EvilPinguBet £10.00£27.30£45.51IDONKCALLUCall £10.00£37.30£22.92River 8 EvilPinguAll-in £45.51£82.81£0.00
0 ·
EDIT: EP won't play the same against you as he would against me, or Perc or Beaneh or whatever, so if you're playing the player, it's also dependent on what's happened between you two so far.
Even though EvilPingu is capable of having a very wide range for triple-barrelling, on this board many of his bluffing hands are now beating you by the river anyway. The only value hand you can beat is AK or some random low pocket pair. Even though EvilPingu is super-aggro, he's not stupid about it and is unlikely to 3-bet pre-flop with 33-77.
Basically his 3-betting range is going to be solely dependent on the players he's facing. However if we assume he's 3-betting a polarised range, then the hands he's potentially 3-betting with are going to be AK, AA, KK, QQ possibly JJ as well as junk hands. We can beat alot of those junk hands and there's a chance that on this board he might triple-barrell those. Depending on what he thinks of you, he might believe you're able to fold top-pair to three streets of aggression or he might believe that you're calling flop and turn on a flush draw.
So it's possible that EvilPingu is just barrelling with no hand but it's going to be totally dependent on the dynamic between you. In general, calling a random opponent down here with just TT is going to be a mistake and I think you're levelling yourself more often than not if you make this call. However, you can justify it if you have serious history with the opponent.
I think you need to make the decision on the turn about whether you're going with this hand. EvilPingu isn't the type of player to bluff two streets and then give up and so on the rare occasions he checks on the river it's likely to be a hand that beats you, giving you a chance to bluff a missed draw. So if you call here and the river doesn't come an awful card like the King or Ace of clubs, then you really should be expecting a bet and must be willing to make the call. The 9d isn't a card that brings in a huge number of draws, so you must call. If you can't call, then you should fold on the turn because you know this bet is coming.
In the same sense that we can't know the dynamic between the two of you, we don't know if that's necessarily correct for you, based on your history. If EvilPingu believes that you always raise the flop on a draw and never fold top pair to him, yet he's still firing on the turn, then he's probably not betting with worse than the Queen here...
So I've written all this and not given a clear answer. Without your history it's impossible. If you'd disguised the players' names then it's a clear fold because most of the time, most players are not capable of making a bluff down three streets... but EvilPingu isn't most players. Even against him I'd say that more of the hands he's doing it with are going to beat you than hands you beat but it all depends on history.