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can i get away from this?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancelisbonerSmall blind £0.10£0.10£13.01MilestoneBig blind £0.20£0.30£21.94 Your hole cardsKA TJS10Call £0.20£0.50£35.18robbie1992Call £0.20£0.70£17.70GrispinoRaise £1.00£1.70£31.95BW45Fold lisbonerFold MilestoneFold TJS10Call £0.80£2.50£34.38robbie1992Call £0.80£3.30£16.90Flop 73A TJS10Check robbie1992Check GrispinoCheck Turn K TJS10Bet £1.65£4.95£32.73robbie1992Raise £4.00£8.95£12.90GrispinoFold TJS10All-in £32.73£41.68£0.00robbie1992All-in £12.90£54.58£0.00TJS10Unmatched bet £17.48£37.10£17.48TJS10Show33 robbie1992ShowKA River 4 TJS10WinThree 3s£35.30 £52.78This was about the 3rd hand of my session
the table was aggresive so i decied to limp to disguise the strangth of my hand and also because im not confident with AK i dont particularly like the hand. If i dont hit the K on the turn i can get away from this, but even after i do does the shove just look so out of place that it must be a set??? The villian i had see make a loose call and get lucky on the turn and do the same, what do you think
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Don't limp pre, if it's an aggro table then be happy they're being aggro when you're likely to have the best hand.
So isolate the limper. Then c-bet the flop.
Never fold the flop and never fold the turn imo when you're not even 100xBB deep.
This is really bad logic. In order to disguise our big hands by limping in, we must also limp in with worse hands. The reason we don't limp in with weak hands is that we only give ourselves one chance to win; by making the best hand.
If we raise with our bad hands then we give ourselves the chance to win by making our opponents fold. So we would raise with weaker hands than AK. If we would raise with weaker hands than AK then the way we disguise the strength of our hand when we have AK is by raising, not limping. We also get more value from our big hands like AK when we raise as, when we're called, usually it means our opponents are putting chips into the pot when they're behind.
"...I'm not confident with AK. I don't particularly like the hand"
AK is a big hand so you should like it. It is more difficult to play than AA or KK but we can't just sit around waiting for those (except at NL4, lol). I understand that it's the type of hand that can lose you a big pot and if you play tournaments, it's the hand that will see you knocked out more frequently than any other. However, if we play the hand aggressively pre-flop and assume that any Ace-high or King-high flop is usually going to give us the best hand, AK is a hand that should be very profitable for us.
Of course it can be a little more tricky than that but just because things might get tough doesn't mean we should play the hand sub-optimally. Disliking a particular hand prevents us from playing the hand as well as we can. It's similar to some people moving all-in for 100BB with KK because they feel like the Ace always comes on the flop. It makes no sense but they remember the times the Ace hits and base their decision on those occasions.