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Need advice on tournaments
I keep getting within touching distance of the money or a seat into a tournament but end up getting put out, I don't know if I should sit back and wait for others to be put out or do what I'm doing now and keep up the pressure. Anyone able to give me tips for when its like the last 20 or so and 10 spaces get payed?
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If you keep getting yourself into this position you are doing something right so i wouldnt worry to much.
What happened Gavi? I thought you were just playing micro stakes DYMs and freerolls? Have you deposited more or already fallen into the net of playing bigger games?
There are so many things to think about but generaly use position and just even min raising at this stage can be enough to steal blinds or get information as apposed to the early stages when you 3x or 4x raise. If you have an aggresive table and holding a decent sized stack then sometimes its worth tightening up but if everyone is weak and you get the feeling they are scared of going out on the bubble then take advantage of it. No point bluffing against big stacks but also dont let them bully you either this is where postion is key dont go up against a big stack if your utg unless you know your very strong.
If your playing a satalite its differnt again and some just play to many hands and you have to remember your not playing for top prize just a place so just need enough chips to make it in the top 20 or how ever many there are.
Stick with it if your getting that far then your doing well and a win will come. Never be afraid of going out on the bubble play for the win and you cant go wrong. Varience is high in mtts and the trick is not leaving yourself short stacked by that stage. If you are then play harder to get the average or above so you dont have to struggle in the later stages.
GL and hope you get a win soon