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Thursday night live and it’s me and Reds who’ll be raring to go from 7 with final table coverage of last thursday's thrilling SPT Leaderboard final!
Also on the show win free entry into next tuesday's 6K Open with our ‘Did you knows...’
For instance... Did you know we call pocket kings ‘cowboys’ because ...???’
No idea on that one myself but thanks to a day at Wimbledon tennis club yesterday I now know the score of ‘love’ comes from the french word for egg ‘l’oeuf’ - because a zero looks like an egg!?
You’re welcome...
Any top trivia you have up your sleeve poker related or otherwise let’s have it via email to or posted below and the most impressive will win tonights competition!
Elsewhere on the show we’d love to analyse your play in the poker clinic so email a hand ID from a tv table or post below and watch live from 8
We’ll have live tournament and cash action at 9, Top Of The Pots at 10 and coverage of our main event the 12K Bounty Hunter at 11.
GL on the tables! See you from 7
Sarah xx
poor but it's all i have.
On average women say 7,000 words per day. Men manage just over 2000.
i don't really have any good "did you knows..." but did you know after a night on the lash with 7 of your mates, hardly any of your neighbours will appreciate a quality rendition of singing/shouting the song "3 lions" at 4 in the morning!!! hahaha
i've just bought into the main & mini tonight, gonna have another crack at taking down the jackpot! Has redmond got any advice for people like me (i hope i'm not the only one haha), who can make money no problem on 9 & 10 seater tournaments but i always struggle on 6 seater tournaments.
any advice/help would be very much appreciated.
have a great show tonight!! Also, it will be a lot easier on the eyes for your veiwers tonight because we wont have to adjust our TV's to suit Mr. Tanfastic's (Mr. Carlo Citrone!!) orange appeal! hahaha j/k.
If you Passed Wind consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is
produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.
A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to
The male pray mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male’s head off.
could be wrong and now i'm gonna google it.
hi sarah and redmond
did you know........
loads of people are just going to send in a load of tosh to get on the telly?
hi been a canny show so far but just got knocked out in the main. didn't realise how quick the blinds rattle through your stack haha.

on a brighter note, i'm still in the mini so it's not all bad
enjoy the rest of the show
Great show tonight, Did you know that a servere hook shot in golf is also know as
a shrimp shot as it resembles the shape of a shrimp in it flight of the ball.
John (aka KKclub.)