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hi. this post has been on the communitythread with no joy. you see i play poker on the down load version( iam typing this on net version) but for the life of me i cannot click on find a player, forums,profile,account, blogs etc, it only allows me to play poker. i have tried uninstalling both sky and adobe air and reinstalling but with no joy.i cannot even click on help on the down load version. any ideas??
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When you click on the 'Find a Player' tab on the Download client, what happens?
If you hover over 'Community' or ''my Sky Poker' do you get any drop down menus?
Sorry I couldn't be of any use for this one, never heard of that kind of issue before.
best man 4 the job is Machka,
if anyone can...Machka can!!!
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Are you on the latest version 1.104? (It tells you in the pop-up window where you enter your user ID and PIN).
Also Adobe Air version? I'm using which I think is the latest.
Which browser you use won't have any effect on the download client.
Why do you think this?
To me it sounds like something is corrupted or he's not running the latest version of Adobe Air or the Download client.
Or it could be something else on his pc causing conflicts/ stopping certain functions from working.
i raised the issue that i cant save my sound preferences a few weeks ago. i want to mute my tables so even tho i save these settings in the main menu, they are completely ignored when i load up a table and also when i log off then back on
so i am still running on the older system,which works fine.
i would do as many have suggested already,delete all old programmes and re-load again.
good luck
am i bad been doing this job to long u are right i should have read the post more closely
Find a player just says searching as does "My Tables"
Havent tried it yet but I remember someone suggested uninstalling flash and reloading the older version as it seams to be a problem with the latest flash version.
I will try it today and let you know.