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had a how shall i describe it,a heated debate with a couple of regular players/forum contributors a couple of sundays' ago regarding a KK dym hand over in the Poker Clinic section.
i gave my opinion on how i would have played the hand.
i stated that IN MY OPINION an Ace would flop against KK ABOUT 50% of the time.
yes,i know all about what the percentage is,or is perceived to be,and i was reminded of it,in no uncertain terms...fair enough.
another player who shall also be nameless,said that he would look into my theory,and get back to me....i'm still waiting.
so,i've today just done a tiny sample test whilst playing and you might just be surprised at the result.
and i can say this with complete honesty,otherwise what would i be achieving by lying?that....of the 12 times that i saw a player(myself included) holding KK that when a flop was seen,an Ace flopped 6 times and didn't 6 times.
why not try this test yourself sometime.i would be interested in YOUR RESULT.
i am not posting this up as any conclusive evidence.
i am also in no way saying that anything is irregular here.
i am also not intending this as a personal attack towards anyone.
i am saying that this is my observation and therefore MY OPINION.
i made a statement,and that is all,"I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!!!" lol
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We counted how often KK won aipf against any hand. From 141 recorded instances pocket KK won 81 times and lost 60 times, so a win rate of 57%.
To be honest the result of our survey was fairly meaningless for two reasons; once again 141 is only a small sample, also our opponents range is very hard to quantify, obvious it's much tighter than any two cards and will include a high proportion of AA and Ax hands.
In fact our survey went some way to debunking the team perception that pocket KK is the unluckiest hand on Sky Poker in aipf situations.
100,000 sample hands where a flop is seen and one player holds KK is needed before it serves as any kind of proof.
100,000 sample hands where KK is held 1000 times is only actually a sample size of 1000.
"I am also in no way saying that anything is irregular here".
Sorry Dev but That is exactly what the post is saying. If you believe it is 50% then you are saying SKY is dodgy. You can not have it both ways.
confirmed rogged
There are gonna be SO many times when someone raises with KK, c-bets on 24Tr, everyone folds and you'd never know he had KK to be able to count it.
The thing that baffles me is if you really believe this, why you play 1000s of games on here. If I knew/thought Sky or any site was not legit, I wouldn't play it on full stop.
when you have a sample size of 100,000 then lets talk or even a 1000
i am not accusing anyone of anything as i've already said,
i think words are trying to be put into my mouth,witch is a shame on you.
if i thought that on-line poker was rigged,then i would say so,and obviously wouldn't play.
this as i've said is my opinion,that's all.
you can take what i've said anyway you wish.
clearly u r all right and i'm wrong,so let's leave it at that.
very true ) when you hold KK you would have to ensure you see a flop everytimr to record all the data correctly +_
So the one constant would have to be that you see a flop
so you can never raise or 3 bet KK - just incase they fold
very unrealistic data collection but still possible if anyone can be bothered - so pointless )
if you can not accept the probabilities in poker then maybe you should not play the game )
At the sametime anyone can try and disprove the theory, or prove in certain enviroments that the probabilities are not true - just need a lot of time and you need to set the correct conditions
No one is going to agree with you Dev because it goes against the fundamental of the game
Like saying the earth is flat )
good luck
no online poker is rigged. i asked simuk on twitter if he thought 'the big one' had juiced up flops because i'd seen on youtube and stuff that it did look incredibly juiced for action, but it just isn't.
they get audited and part of that is making sure their percentages add up over huge sample sizes.
long term KK will ALWAYS win it's true %.
my first home game i had KK and my old man raises into me on a flop of AAK. you'd better believe i shoved on his aces full. these things sometimes happen again and again and again live. look up Darvin Moon to see incredible run good.
i'm going to have to concede defeat here,obviously.
this whole debate began by me giving another player advice on a situation involving KK during a DYM hand that he had played.
i casually stated that from my previous experience of having just played several thousand DYM hands myself that i thought that an ACE seemed to flop ABOUT 50% of the time.
it was not meant to be an exact figure it was simply my observation,that was all.
i think i have tried explaining this now on a number of occasions.
yes,i agree that over several 10000000 hands you may well get a true percentage reading.
i did not post anything up that was meant to be detrimental to anyone or sky poker,and i most certainly was NOT implying or inferring that anything was rigged,as some of you are clearly implying.
i hope that this clarifies things from myself,and i hope that is the end of the matter,as i have no intention of making any further remarks on this subject.