i used to super glue peoples chairs i know bad lol nothing compared to this tho 1 day on 1 hour lunchbreak was playing footy with m8es i just grabbed the ball and kicked it up on the highest school building we have so the head master can get it so head master grabbed the ladder and got ball for us and then me being me at the time NAWTY i grabbed the ladder and ran away with it took 2 hours till fire engine came to get him down i got expelled for 2 weeks lol
at the mo im 10th in the kings of cash promo i done a lil diary for this month doing ok so far 14 buy ins up on 20 nl so all good my main aim is to get to priority
In Response to Re: Tuesday Night Live on Channel 861 with Rich and Ryan ***the official show thread*** : Do you want to pay for my legal fees? I don't. Posted by Llamas
In Response to Re: Tuesday Night Live on Channel 861 with Rich and Ryan ***the official show thread*** : Do you want to pay for my legal fees? I don't. Posted by Llamas
ages ago when i was about 8 my dad used to say to me son me and mum just going upstairs to tidy the bedroom up its in a mess im like ok half hour later he comes down red faced full of sweat and a cheeky smile i said dad u been working really hard he said yeah son it needs a gd tidying up i didnt know he was having sex with my mum till 1 day i crept upstairs n saw thru the lil hole on the door lol
Comedy error: I was standing outside work on a dark winters night waiting for my lift home. What i thought was my lift pulled up so i jumped into the passenger seat, only to turn around and see a confused and slightly worried man looking back at me, i said " oops wrong car " and hopped out. Turned out it was the payroll clerks husband and the car was a completely different colour to my lifts. Bit of a red face on my return to work the next day
A few years ago me and my best mate were discussing the ex prime minister Gorden Brown. My eldest had just finished watching Thomas the tank engine and came up to me, tugged on my sleave and said "Daddy, don't be silly, Gorden is blue not brown!" First thing she has got wrong, ever!
572975313 from the open. First hand after the break and I go in the cooler. At least I have a shoving stack now, My favourite hand to play Posted by cenachav
Thanks for the request, we'll try and show the hand in thursday night's Poker Clinic
great show. i have had peace to watch all evening (no boyfriend present lol). i was mortified once when on a friends boat. the toilet was right at the front of the boat with two cabins sharing this facility. my friend goes to put the kettle on and i go to use the loo. bearing in mind that i have tunnel vision and this is my first visit to the boat, you can imagine how i felt when sitting there he starts speaking to me and i notice that i have only closed one of the doors. i had to pretend that i didnt care and just said that i wanted to see what the door looked like when closed.
just to say we were still 31 when we started that hand so on the bubble. I thought there was a good chance he was trying to squeeze me off the pot hence the shove.
Great to see you back on the show Richard. You'd been away for so long I'd worried you might have been sacked... Well, worried is a bit strong but I'd given it a moment's thought.
I once missed an entire AS-level Maths module exam, while I was sat in a history revision class one floor above. It's not that comedic since I failed Maths as a result... Got an A in history, though. lol
Good show tonight. It would be rude to say otherwise, but on this occasion it's true.
I was wondering if there's any chance of David Tuckman (Tuchman?) coming back on the show as a guest anytime? He's been on the NFL show recently, so that made me think.
evening gents .. right didnt have time to post earlier but was watchin, right, i understand my name is difficult to read IN CAPITALS but its actually jus short for my name leon narin with 2 zeros put on the end , L narin 00
busted main and not long lost 40k pot in mini.. ppl get sooo lucky grrrr
anyway looking forward to my name being read properly
I gave a sitcom script to someone who I trusted at the time.
It was stolen, I was legally silenced, and the script became an award winning sitcom.
I run so bad.
No me neither lol
Great show as always guys!!
I don't.
great show. i have had peace to watch all evening (no boyfriend present lol). i was mortified once when on a friends boat. the toilet was right at the front of the boat with two cabins sharing this facility. my friend goes to put the kettle on and i go to use the loo. bearing in mind that i have tunnel vision and this is my first visit to the boat, you can imagine how i felt when sitting there he starts speaking to me and i notice that i have only closed one of the doors. i had to pretend that i didnt care and just said that i wanted to see what the door looked like when closed.
onwards and upwards :-))
Heres my last hand: #572995003
Good luck to miskin88 over the weekend... lucky fella.
Great to see you back on the show Richard. You'd been away for so long I'd worried you might have been sacked... Well, worried is a bit strong but I'd given it a moment's thought.
I once missed an entire AS-level Maths module exam, while I was sat in a history revision class one floor above. It's not that comedic since I failed Maths as a result... Got an A in history, though. lol
Good show tonight. It would be rude to say otherwise, but on this occasion it's true.
I was wondering if there's any chance of David Tuckman (Tuchman?) coming back on the show as a guest anytime? He's been on the NFL show recently, so that made me think.