Competition is now closed. Ste1722 is the last person to enter. Full table to follow shortly. Fingers crossed Ryan has managed to make it home in time. It's definitely -EV to be stuck for hours waiting for recovery people!
333 and 67.32p. Just a question who won last week Posted by ste1722
Hey. From last weeks thread...
Yeah Paul thats exactly what I was gonna post!
So the winners of the free seats are:
Now obviously Sky only provided 2 free seats but as it was my fault for not stipulating what to do if there was a tiebreak I think the fairest thing to do is award 3 seats (I will donate the extra seat out of my account balance if needs be!) into a Friday Night Rebuy Open.
Can you please all post on this thread confirming that this Friday is ok for you all to be registered for this tournie.
Ok just loaded up some tables and got on some lists. Sitting waiting for action on Action 119 5p/5p, Lunch 4p/8p and Godley 4p/8p 10 handed. Will play a bit longer than stated as only have 2 active tables running as I'm on 7-8 lists.
After donking off £98 to Simaltous on £1 /£2 the other day ( IN a bout ten minute w/o hardly seeing a flop after a rush of blood to the head i,m back to the micros so will give some action in a minute
i know i,ll probably lose but might learn something
well lots of bingo players playing tonight calling a 6x raise with 2 3 suited and then calling a 2x pot raise when I have top top and yes you guessed it they hit the river
first off I was so tired grinding today! had such a nightmare with my car and made some mistakes/had some coolers.
BUT another profitable night of £40.32 while also earning 279 C4Ps.
As expected the 4p/8p level didn't have 12 running but there were 8 games running for most of the session. I added in a couple of the 5p/5p action tables and some 5p/10p too.
haha cheers guys nice playing with you! first off I was so tired grinding today! had such a nightmare with my car and made some mistakes/had some coolers. BUT another profitable night of £40.32 while also earning 279 C4Ps. As expected the 4p/8p level didn't have 12 running but there were 8 games running for most of the session. I added in a couple of the 5p/5p action tables and some 5p/10p too. Just checking thru the data now.... Posted by scotty77
WP RYRY, was fun sharing some tables with you (ul with the QQ v my AK by the way).
What, would you say, is your optimal number of tables. I appreciate that the C4P is a big earner but do you not think that you could be missing value and therefor profit by playing too many tables.
In Response to Re: The October low stakes multi-table cash grind thread - Week 2 4p/8p - COMPETITION CLOSED : WP RYRY, was fun sharing some tables with you (ul with the QQ v my AK by the way). What, would you say, is your optimal number of tables. I appreciate that the C4P is a big earner but do you not think that you could be missing value and therefor profit by playing too many tables. Posted by pomfrittes
I think I am playing too many when I'm playing readless.
I would say 6-8 would be optimial. If I were to be grinding against these guys day in day out then I could probably up there.
Like I said I before I was very tired and I was doing some weird stuff. Like somhow I got into a 2.10 pot from the blinds with T2o and after checking the HH I had misclicked cold called a 3bet.
Will do a review tomorrow but I think the same themes as last week are relevant
you have to admit there was some bad play out there Posted by MUTTZNUTZ
bad play shouldn't matter! everyone players bad to a degree, I know I made som serious mistakes tonight (just like any other night). just try and focus on your own game and let people use their money how they want it will work out in the end.
In Response to Re: The October low stakes multi-table cash grind thread - Week 2 4p/8p - WINNERS TOP OF PAGE 3 : bad play shouldn't matter! everyone players bad to a degree, I know I made som serious mistakes tonight (just like any other night). just try and focus on your own game and let people use their money how they want it will work out in the end. Posted by scotty77
yeah I hear what your saying Ryan just gets to me when someone calls a 6x raise with 23 and hits the river when you raise every street with top top
i know i,ll probably lose but might learn something
EDIT - never seen so many 5p action tables open
All numbers correct.
What, would you say, is your optimal number of tables. I appreciate that the C4P is a big earner but do you not think that you could be missing value and therefor profit by playing too many tables.
I think I was only on one of your tables but it was a nice table )