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LOOOOOL just funny i was rubbing my hands together thinking guy had ace
o2bwkdSmall blind £0.05£0.05£7.73ravidixo07Big blind £0.10£0.15£8.36 Your hole cardsQQ IDONKCALLURaise £0.40£0.55£9.13ShankiiiesFold rancidFold jameswinsFold o2bwkdCall £0.35£0.90£7.38ravidixo07Call £0.30£1.20£8.06Flop QAA o2bwkdCheck ravidixo07Check IDONKCALLUBet £0.70£1.90£8.43o2bwkdCall £0.70£2.60£6.68ravidixo07Fold Turn Q o2bwkdCheck IDONKCALLUBet £1.30£3.90£7.13o2bwkdCall £1.30£5.20£5.38River 10 o2bwkdAll-in £5.38£10.58£0.00IDONKCALLUCall £5.38£15.96£1.75o2bwkdShowKJ IDONKCALLUShowQQ o2bwkdWinRoyal Flush£14.76 £14.76
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Fold pre!!!!!!!!!!
Sick cooler m8!!
Fold River!
He clearly value shoved & u only had 3rd best hand on that board. ;-)