Hi everyone (well everyone who is not at DTD!)
For those of you up in Nottingham, enjoy, have an amazing time and run good! Have to say very gutted to not be there, missing the usual fun!! But pleased to be holding down the fort in the studio tomorrow night with one of my favourite peeople, Miss Jen Mason. As always we shall enjoy her company and analysis from 7pm. Chris Hall, a live poker reporter/columnist and a friend of Jen's will also be joining us on the sofa.
So for those of you who couldn't make it to Notts, sit back, relax with us and enjoy some Sunday night poker!!
7-8pm Tonight on Sky Poker
8pm-9pm Analyse My Play We will be picking a player from the Primo, please get in touch asap, if you would like us to follow you.
9pm-10pm Now on Sky Poker live coverage
10pm-11pm Top of Sky Poker live coverage
11pm-midnight Sky Poker Highlights Live coverage of the 10k Primo
The competition for the show will centre around our UKOPS. (28th Oct- 4th Nov) We will be giving away a seat into a UKOPS main event semi satellite. So......
Limerick time, well limerick/poem/ditty themed around UKOPS.
thinking caps on!
good luck everyone. Give us a shout if you are at the SPT!! Miss Champion will be on the phone to the studio tomorrow to keep us updated with an exciting final table no doubt!
See you tomorrow folks
A xx
THANK YOU! I love watching when you are on with TIKAY or JEN MASON. I REALLY look forward to seeing ALL THREE of you on together one day too. lol
Have fun tonight, I think you are A CLASS ACT. You do a great job.
PLEASE ask Jen to speak a tiny bit slower. She has WISE advice and it is hard to sort since she speaks SO FAST! LOL Jen, I REALLY pay attention to what you are saying. (I have to rewind and rewind! LOL) Okay, okay, maybe it's harder because I am American married to an Englishman, I am still getting used to the accents a bit! haha
All the best. Great to see such dynamic WOMEN in Poker! I am loving it! (and learning a lot as fast as I can)
I would like to enter the ukops
As it is top of the pops
But you have to learn
I cannot play at half-term
So all I can do is sob- sobs
Ukops is the sky highlight
And I want to play the supersat tonight
But the thing you need to know
Is at half term I have to go
On hols with my family – so a win would be travesty
How many more times do I have to say
At half term I cannot play
Even though it is the UKOPS
Which we know is top of the pops
Skypoker might be the best – but Ukops at half term – you are a pest
Do you know astronomy?
Lots of stars is what it says to me
A bit like 861
Poker channel number one
Home of the UKOPS – the place to be
UKOPS day 1
Will be fun
I can play
On that day
See you then, Jen Mason
that marvellous time of year
grab your laptop and a beer
and get ready to bubble like i did last year
ukops is back so give it a crack
So many fish out of water and penguins away from the pole
Accountants sent off to slaughter and champions still on the dole
Bandits and Hitmen openly killing
Presenters make excuses for the chips they are spilling
Yippee! UKOPs is back! So good for the Soul!
it was ...
I am a fan of anna
hello, good show again tonight teaching me lots as akways and helping me not to lose so much money (or to make the money i do lose last longer anyway) heres my attempt at a poem..
Tried to satellite into UKOPS
but getting no luck on the flops
more rubbish on the turn
my cards i must burn
cant do nothing as my stack drops
Just a quick hello from me and a big thankyou to Sky Poker for the GREAT 6 Max tournament at Dusk til dawn this weekend.
Of all the live tournaments I've played it was probably the best atmosphere I've ever played in, some great banter, and a great standard of poker all played in the right spirt. I had a great time even without the presence of Anna and Jen
I said 'Anna,I have no funds with which to play'
She replied 'that's no surprise but that's okay'
He just had to ask and she'd give him the ukops entry.
That she handed out during her Sunday sky punditry.
He was put in and the third hand saw his first raise.
So she made her first guess, "I bet he has an ace"
The hooded teen he raised, folded 'He has aces, you'll see.
Then Terrance turned over his cards, just a jack and a three.