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Hey guys. Don't currently post much on here, although I do read quite a few threads. I'm thinking about starting a challenge in the near future where I start with 1.25k (50 buy ins at 25nl) and make that 11.25k (10k profit) in a certain period of time. 2 months max, and probs 1 month minimum. I'm basically asking for advice on whether this is possible within a month? Obv you need to know some stuff about my game so here goes. I used to grind 25nl on ***** and managed to win around $1.6k in a 4 month period excluding rakeback. I'm also around $3k in profit on stars mtts. I then had a long break and moved to ***** ***** where I grinded 25nl again and ended with similar profit over a 2 month period, and again I'm about $1k in profit on their mtts. I've also recently grinded a little on the British site Sky Poker where I played 20nl for a couple of weeks and made a few hundred, and I'm around £2.5k profit on their tournaments.I view myself as a pretty good tag player who's capable of beating 25-100nl. The reason I've never moved above nl25 is because I'm currently a uni student and the profit I make is used to pay for rent, living, food etc.. so I've never wanted to put a large amount of money at risk. I'm mainly a 6max cash player and that's where I believe my best game is. My vpip/pfr stats on pp and stars are 19/16 and 21/18 respectively. Obv I have wayyy more stats but don't wanna fill this page up with numbers.If I do go ahead with this challenge, I'll be playing most (if not every) days grinding 9+ tables. I'll start at 25nl (50 bins) and move up to 50nl properly when I reach 2.5k, but probs add a few tables around the $2k mark. And then I'll make the move to 100nl when I reach 4-5k and that'll probably be my toughest challenge. Before I start (if I do) I'll be watching numerous videos on deucescracked where I've now subscribed. So, in a nutshell, what I'm asking is, is it possible for ME to make $10k profit in 1-2 months playing those limits and that amount of tables? how likely is it that I could do it within 1 month? 2months? I want to know because when I start a diary I want to give myself a certain amount of time so I can really push at it. If this is just a completely ridiculous post and I'm way over my head just say so - I don't mind lol. obv if I do start this I'll post daily updates and graphs and hands etc... fyi I'll be doing this challenge on ***** ***** if that helps at all.thanks for reading and for any replies.
(guys on sky forum, I copied and pasted this from a thread I started on 2+2 but It'd also be good to know if you guys think it's poss too) TY. also I've removed the other sites names so there's no advertisements for other sites cos obv Sky rules.
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Let's be optimistic here and say that you put in around 100,000 hands at 25nl...
That means you need a win-rate of 40bb/100, over a decent sample size of hands.
I'm not trying to be defeatist here matey, but just to use a good example, i got laid 4/1 odds on making 10bb/100 over a 1,000,000 hands sample size, over the course of 6 months. Even those who think THAT is possible is only about 1 in 10. (cool story bro, it's just the example, dw dw :P)
So for you to come here and even claim that you want to make 20bb/100 (assuming you set a 2 month time-frame) would be borderline insane.
My honest opinion would be to move up to 50nl with 25Buy-ins, and work from there. If your win-rate is as big as you think it is, there's no way you'll need that many BI's. Lets say you have a 10bb/100 win-rate (still pretty mental, but just about achievable), you're only 0.04% to go broke off 25BI, and that's playing a high variance style too.
GL man, and keep the forum updated, it would be a sick goal to set yourself, and i for one would be interested to see what targets you eventually set, and whether you reach them.
Go get 'em dude,
I'm gunna try and salvage this thread (as i have a bad feeling the mods will take it down) and recommend trying you're luck her on sky first? Playing in £'s, good community, and no (scratch that.... LESS) bumhunting regs swarming round the not so experienced players.
I'm not a HUD or training site advocate myself, so i'mma zip it while i still can :P
GL though sir, you're right to aim high though. Just remember to step back and look at all the good work you've done even if you don't reach the lofty goals you're gunna set yourself.
First: 21/8/2010
Last: 14/10/2012
Don't currently post much on here, although I do read quite a few threads.
I'd suggest dropping the 2 months element, make it open-ended, then go for it.
Good luck.