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how you think i should play this vs a very taggy player?
hi guys help with how I played this hand or should play it all criticism welcome. Reads are player is a gd solid player at this level used to be really nitty but think they have opened up vs me due to how I play might be wrong lol.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetagSmall blind £0.05£0.05£10.47rolo1Big blind £0.10£0.15£9.17 Your hole cardsQQ remymannFold fred87Fold liamboi11Raise £0.30£0.45£17.69tagRaise £0.90£1.35£9.57rolo1Fold liamboi11Call £0.65£2.00£17.04Flop 2610 tagBet £1.40£3.40£8.17liamboi11Call £1.40£4.80£15.64Turn 6 tagCheck
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