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Greeky plays the SPT 6-Max - Blog.
Greekway has penned a terrific Blog about his weekend at the SPT 6-Max last weekend.
Part one is HERE
Please use this thread for feedback, comments & questions to Greeky.
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Just a quick reminder, if you have not read that Blog, it is well worth a quick gander.
We are trying to encourage better & more interesting stuff on our Community, & this blog is first class, so I hope you'll try & take a look, & perhaps leave a comment, too.
I had played briefly on a £1 £1 Omaha Table, sat with the Max, which was £250, & doubled up immediately. I had decent aces (4 card high), managed to isolate Mr Aggro, & the flop came 3-3-6.
He either has the 3 or he does not, mostly not, so I potted, & my man wanted to get the lot in, so we did.
He had 2-4-5-7 (eek!) for a wonderful draw, but it bricked out.
So my £250 was now £500, at which point, the £5 £5 DC game, for which I was on the list, opened, so I took the £500 across to that.
A dollop of run-good soon saw that £500 become £1,500.
And now the problems began.
Richard Berridge (super-aggro) sat to my right & pulled up £10,000.
Kurt Forgottenhisname (super-duper aggro) sat to my left, playing £20,000.
Now, I don't mind getting my money in with the right hand, but these guys pressurise you, every hand, & £1,500 is a lot of money to me, which I was not prepared to gamble "lightly" with. They are both well-loaded, & £20,000 means nothing to them.
So it was 2 hours of really careful starting hand selection & pot control. I ended up with the £1,500 intact, but that 2 hours was one of the most interesting 2 hours of cash poker I can recall, as I had to concentrate extremely hard not to make a mistake, or get sucked in with a bad starting hand. I even mucked a 10 high paduki!
What a buzz poker gives us.