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Playing a dym last night when a person started quoting my "sharkscope" stats in the chatbox and and giving me a load of old tosh with it . To the person concerned i could not care less and you might find it more enjoyable giiving someone else some grief who might take it to heart. Ive stated many times here before i do not consider myself a good poker player.To save anyone the time to look me up on sharkscope i am £250 down on sky poker over roughly a 1000 days of playing on the site so i lose 25p a day on average [got to take the rake out as well 10%] I won £3000 on a 10p ew lucky 15 so you will have to put up with my losing streak and bad poker play for a while yet my friend .And do me a favour and let me know when i hit the £1000 down mark.The good poker pals i have here more than more out weigh people like you [who i will not name].Just a shame really there were not a "lagerscope" because i am sure the stats in that would be more shocking to read than the above !Good ,bad luck at the tables all.
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