Ok so I have been getting some abuse from a decent player on here about a situation that happened a few weeks ago. He thought I slow rolled him and has given me a lot of abuse about . So is this a slowroll. I can not find the hand but i will explain it : I am on the button with AA and a stack of around 18K. The small blind has around 6K as does the BB. The blinds are 150/300. It is folded round to me I open for 700 the sb snap calls as he has been doing with Ace rag all night . The BB stacks. I wanting to the SB to call with his weak ace ( which he had done before) let the time bar run down about 3/4 to look weeker than I was. Of course I call the sb folds and I win the hand . Then this guy goes on for about half an hour how I slowrolled him and the SB was never calling. So is this a slowroll? And If he reads this please come on here and explain why he think it is.
That is not a slowroll. It's only a slowroll when players are allin and you hold the absolute nuts. Your entitled to use all the timebar even with Aces.
The idea that a real slowroll is even possible with a fifteen second timebar is ridiculous. Sometimes it takes me ten seconds to even realise it's my turn to act.
There are lots of things to get hacked off about. A few seconds of waiting is not one of those things. Ignore the guy or even better, inform him of the soothing benefits of a nice glass of warm milk... or caffeine pills. Nice, calming caffeine pills.
Dont know why slowrolls tilt people so much. Especially on here. I dont even think twice now when someone does it. So you had to wait an extra 20 secods to see if you won the hand. Ive already moved onto the next hand by then.
Thanks for all your replys. I kind of new I was right just wanted the guy to see this.I had a slim hope he would come on here and try and back up his theory about stack sizes and loads of other non relevent poker jargon but I guess not.
wonder if anyone else suffers from slow broadband speed as sometimes I get timed out before I can act Most days its ok unless I play above 3 tables at once but at times I have less than 2 seconds to act before being timed out . Hopefully fibre optic will arrive and solve this but at the moment it is very frustrating current speed is approx 2.2
Ok so I have been getting some abuse from a decent player on here about a situation that happened a few weeks ago. He thought I slow rolled him and has given me a lot of abuse about . So is this a slowroll. I can not find the hand but i will explain it : I am on the button with AA and a stack of around 18K. The small blind has around 6K as does the BB. The blinds are 150/300. It is folded round to me I open for 700 the sb snap calls as he has been doing with Ace rag all night . The BB stacks. I wanting to the SB to call with his weak ace ( which he had done before) let the time bar run down about 3/4 to look weeker than I was. Of course I call the sb folds and I win the hand . Then this guy goes on for about half an hour how I slowrolled him and the SB was never calling. So is this a slowroll? And If he reads this please come on here and explain why he think it is. Posted by jonjo75
Sorry to be a pedant, but it's unlikely he will have a weak ace when you have 2 of them!
I missed this thread the first time round, but like everyone else has said, its not a slowroll cos someone else is in the pot
Not a slowroll. I also think using the timebar like this in spots like this make you look stronger, not weaker but that's personal opinion.
There is another site/network I play on where the software slowrolls you at showdown every single time. Seriously, the 'muck hand' timebar always comes up and if you've lost you don't see the hand until it's halfway around. Only a second or so but it's so annoying not to see the hands automuck or autoshow.
In Response to Slow roll? : Sorry to be a pedant, but it's unlikely he will have a weak ace when you have 2 of them! I missed this thread the first time round, but like everyone else has said, its not a slowroll cos someone else is in the pot Posted by GREGHOGG
True but surely you can not discount something because it is unlikely. I think the last time I got AA all in pre it was against AJ and previous hands with this player told me he does flat and then call raises with Ax. It may be a slim chance and Tommy might be right about it shows more strength but I don't think this player would see it like that.
sorry to act really stupid but whats a slow roll i dont freally understand Posted by RLT16
Not a stupid question:
A slowroll is an act by a player when either:
i) They are the last to act in a round of betting on the river, all other players have either folded or are all in, the player holds the nuts or best possible hand, and they take an undue amount of time to call;
ii) Found in the live game, all players are at show down, all other hands of active players in the pot are shown, a player has the winning hand but takes an undue amount of time to show.
There are caveats to both. In case one you could argue that if they make the same action on round of betting which isn't the river it is still a slowroll, but some people generally feel nervous about calling off even with the nuts as they are usually still not 100% guaranteed to win the pot (an extremely tight player holding Aces facing a massive all in bet pre flop for instance, he has the best possible hand but is likely 80% or win to pot after all the cards are dealt). In case two, if you hold the nuts but not all other hands are shown, and you're in some sort of Mexican standoff to see the other holdings so they can't just muck face down, this is sometimes considered a slowroll, sometimes not, bit of a grey area again.
In Response to Re: Slow roll? : Not a stupid question: A slowroll is an act by a player when either: i) They are the last to act in a round of betting on the river, all other players have either folded or are all in, the player holds the nuts or best possible hand, and they take an undue amount of time to call; ii) Found in the live game, all players are at show down, all other hands of active players in the pot are shown, a player has the winning hand but takes an undue amount of time to show. There are caveats to both. In case one you could argue that if they make the same action on round of betting which isn't the river it is still a slowroll, but some people generally feel nervous about calling off even with the nuts as they are usually still not 100% guaranteed to win the pot (an extremely tight player holding Aces facing a massive all in bet pre flop for instance, he has the best possible hand but is likely 80% or win to pot after all the cards are dealt). In case two, if you hold the nuts but not all other hands are shown, and you're in some sort of Mexican standoff to see the other holdings so they can't just muck face down, this is sometimes considered a slowroll, sometimes not, bit of a grey area again. Posted by TommyD
Ok i get it now, cant say that id find it very annoying online when its only 10-15 secs, but can see why it would be annoying live.
So is this a slowroll.
I can not find the hand but i will explain it :
I am on the button with AA and a stack of around 18K. The small blind has around 6K as does the BB. The blinds are 150/300.
It is folded round to me I open for 700 the sb snap calls as he has been doing with Ace rag all night . The BB stacks. I wanting to the SB to call with his weak ace ( which he had done before) let the time bar run down about 3/4 to look weeker than I was. Of course I call the sb folds and I win the hand . Then this guy goes on for about half an hour how I slowrolled him and the SB was never calling.
So is this a slowroll?
And If he reads this please come on here and explain why he think it is.
There are lots of things to get hacked off about. A few seconds of waiting is not one of those things. Ignore the guy or even better, inform him of the soothing benefits of a nice glass of warm milk... or caffeine pills. Nice, calming caffeine pills.
im not a good player...
u should name and shame this monster lol
onwards and upwards :-)
Most days its ok unless I play above 3 tables at once but at times I have less than 2 seconds to act before being timed out .
Hopefully fibre optic will arrive and solve this but at the moment it is very frustrating
current speed is approx 2.2
There is another site/network I play on where the software slowrolls you at showdown every single time. Seriously, the 'muck hand' timebar always comes up and if you've lost you don't see the hand until it's halfway around. Only a second or so but it's so annoying not to see the hands automuck or autoshow.
A slowroll is an act by a player when either:
i) They are the last to act in a round of betting on the river, all other players have either folded or are all in, the player holds the nuts or best possible hand, and they take an undue amount of time to call;
ii) Found in the live game, all players are at show down, all other hands of active players in the pot are shown, a player has the winning hand but takes an undue amount of time to show.
There are caveats to both. In case one you could argue that if they make the same action on round of betting which isn't the river it is still a slowroll, but some people generally feel nervous about calling off even with the nuts as they are usually still not 100% guaranteed to win the pot (an extremely tight player holding Aces facing a massive all in bet pre flop for instance, he has the best possible hand but is likely 80% or win to pot after all the cards are dealt). In case two, if you hold the nuts but not all other hands are shown, and you're in some sort of Mexican standoff to see the other holdings so they can't just muck face down, this is sometimes considered a slowroll, sometimes not, bit of a grey area again.