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Now what do we do on the flop? after i raised n get reraised
EvilPinguSmall blind £0.10£0.10£88.13coleman125Big blind £0.20£0.30£10.42 Your hole cardsAA GELDYRaise £0.60£0.90£50.79chinch10Fold IDONKCALLURaise £1.60£2.50£41.66middysFold EvilPinguFold coleman125Fold GELDYCall £1.00£3.50£49.79Flop 784 GELDYBet £1.75£5.25£48.04IDONKCALLURaise £5.25£10.50£36.41GELDYRaise £14.00£24.50£34.04
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What does he donk bet flop with? Can't see he'd be donkbetting the flop with a set or 78 when he could/should just let you c-bet, after your 3bet pre.
Bearing in mind this has been posted though, he probably has 56 lol.
Could he have a 99/10's kinda hand...but having said that I'm not sure if geldy would stack off with just a pair
Tough spot but I get it in.......come on geldy what u have?
are you ruling 99/10's out then or even JJ????
maybe getting it in on the flop might not be great but not sure I'm folding my aces here.....if it was a check raise I would be more inclined to fold
But when IDCU raises - what hands does he think oppo only raises with
better or bluff or worse
no point us telling him what range we put oppo on, like passing on our reads of oppo
don't think it's proper tbh - leaving names in just ain't cricket and then asks can geldy do this with worse - because that basically whats he is asking
sorry for the rant but it's just bad form these kind of threads
FWIW oppo has better, worse or bluff )
if IDCU doesn't know which oppo turns up with the most then maybe just flat
what range does oppo lead - don't have to answer - just for yourself )