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Nice of Sky to text me about the UKOPS Starting on Sunday, But unfortunately i will be playing poker on 888 as i win there and don't get sucked out on the river when i have my money in good against a Sky regular. All the time i think yes sucked him in only to get out drawn on the river.
But thats ok, i know i'm not doing much wrong as i have evaluated my recent play on sky compared to 888 and being totally honest the difference is not worth talking about, only i win on 888 and the traffic is by far bigger.
Am i moaning??? I suppose a little moan is justified i think!
I Know when i first started on Sky i was a poor player, but got lucky and had some good cashes, so i feel my reputation is tarnished as players have notes on me, as a weak player, which was true 16months ago, I have tightened up and watch 861 regular to improve my game, and i have improved a lot, although i do feel there is a lot of disrespect towards me and my play still, don't get me wrong i do want these players to make speculative calls and bluffs but it is getting to regular now i get out drawn all of the time, eg. AK mid position i raise 5x after 1 limper ends up seeing a flop 3 way,(wtf) flop was AsKh5c as i had just over a pot bet i jammed only to get called by J7 turn Qh river 10d but this is not just one incident, it happens now on a regular basis.
Ok i only remember the bad beats etc, well that is all i have to remember on Sky because it doesn't seem to be getting any better and the luck element seems far more likely on Sky.
All in all i still like playing on Sky, god knows why even when i can't luck box a win at the mo, i did fancy trying to sat into some of the UKOPS Bounty Hunters but i think i will probably give it a miss, this will be so dissapointing to the players who always out draw me lol, but tuff guys i'm winning on 888 so there i will be for the near future.
I wonder why i got that Text, mmmmm!! easy money you think, well no thanks i'm getting a nice roll on 888 so why blow it on Sky.
Bet this gets moved to area 51 lol, or even deleted as i dared to name another site lmao.
Anyway good luck to all in the Ukops, you may see me but i doubt it.
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2) You want people to think you are a bad player.
3) The luck element is more likely on Sky? So does that mean as well as getting really unlucky sometimes, you also get really lucky sometimes too, like we all do?
4) I imagine everyone who has entered their mobile number and not ticked that they don't want marketing jive got it. I know me and my girlfriend both got it abuot an hour or two ago.
If you took the time to read the whole post you may have understood
No matter, you don't matter.