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Today i had a really loose table like stupidly loose. It was at 50 nl, and i layed by normal game raising with good hands, not trying anything to fancy. But i found myself building a pot missing the flop and being limited to what i can do, because if i try any moves it wouldnt work because there fish.... yes? In the end it ended up really annoying me because i wasnt running well and my ak was beat by a6 things like that, and when i think back to the hand i cant think of strategys that actually would of worked along the streets. So is it simply ABC poker??
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If people are stations and don't know where the fold button is then just bet when you don't want them to fold
I have played 50nl the entire month and it is full of reg nits. There is a couple imo who have some moves but other than that the rest are waiting for premiums or making money from fish in a few hands. They are essential making money from the rakeback imo. I can easily fold qq to a 4 bet allin against some people and there 3 bet range is really narrow aswell which makes it easy to play against. I can 3 bet like crazy at 50nl and get away with it as there is only 2 people on there who will come back over the top of me with a light 4 bet. I enjoy playing against these 2 players as we can make moves against each other. Im not saying theres anything wrong with them playing to make money from the rakeback but its not proper poker and is very exploitable.
From what I've heard, 50NL is by a mile the nittiest level on Sky.
Sick brag lol. Well played mate
Yeah i was thinking that but im winning at 50 nl so i dont mind being patient building up my br and having a proper putting off multi tabling but im gonna have to put some effort into doing it just for the profit and c4p i hear these people are getting.....although i dont get playing poker being nitty and just earning c4p as the income, thats not the point of poker lol
If you're not about making money, and just see poker as a way of paying for entertainment then just do whatever ya want.
IMO even if you don't plan on playing 6+ tables, most people should give 2-3 a go because before long it really shouldn't make you play any worse than you would on 1 table, and it's just more fun not having to sit there pressing the fold button for long periods of time.