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snejiSitout rancidBig blind £0.20£0.20£18.30 Your hole cardsQK andybethRaise £0.80£1.00£20.60mazza75Call £0.80£1.80£29.34probtheCall £0.80£2.60£30.73xxxxCall £0.80£3.40£40.17rancidFold Flop 8K4 andybethBet £2.20£5.60£18.40mazza75Call £2.20£7.80£27.14probtheCall £2.20£10.00£28.53xxxxAll-in £40.17£50.17£0.00andybeth?
All 3 opponents are unknowns and I've only been at the table 5 minutes or so. This was a snap all in from the villain, no dwellage. Was concerned of potantial slow play behind us. Do we have to call or is it standard fold?
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