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Thought on Hand 20NL Please
Minimal Reads on players and feel as if I played the hand really werid and ended up getting my money in good somehow. Flope check was MISCLICK btw and I mean to lead out for about £5.75-£6.50. However when I do check by accident and a bet and a call is the shive still right seemed to panic in my decision and felt at best hands i would be getting it in against would be 77-JJ and flush draws/combo draws, or just basically drawing dead to flopped sets and straight.
Hand History #583537694 (20:43 06/11/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceMickFoleySmall blind £0.10£0.10£21.02V2Big blind £0.20£0.30£29.58 Your hole cardsQQ edmundson1Raise £0.40£0.70£17.98omsCall £0.40£1.10£34.57walks2311Fold V1Call £0.40£1.50£18.05MickFoleyRaise £2.00£3.50£19.02V2Call £1.90£5.40£27.68xCall £1.70£7.10£16.28omsFold V1Call £1.70£8.80£16.35Flop 263 MickFoleyCheck V2Bet £4.40£13.20£23.28edmundson1Fold V1Call £4.40£17.60£11.95MickFoleyAll-in £19.02£36.62£0.00V2Call £14.62£51.24£8.66V1All-in £11.95£63.19£0.00MickFoleyShowQQ V2Show1010 V1Show55 Turn 2 River 9 MickFoleyWinTwo Pairs, Queens and 2s£61.39 £61.39
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