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fao rurarix

edited November 2012 in The Shed

Hi rurarix,

I told you I would let you know if I managed to speed up my laptop.  I took it to PC world and because its a laptop you can't install a graphics card but you can get extra memory.  So i decided to give this a go.  I think i had 2 (whatever it is) before and they doubled it to 4.  They installed it for me  which took about 5 mins and cost £65 in total (£15 to install).  

I have found no benefit from it though so I guess a new PC is the only way.  Im going to hold out for now though as I have been doing well just playing 7/8 tables.  Playing 20 tables on other sites must have been affecting my win rate alot more than I thought.


Hope all is well!

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