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Hi everyone, i was just wondering what kind of notes you need to be making about players and how to find out those things.
I was also wondering if anyone had made any notes on me and my play that would maybe like to share so i can improve?
I have notes on you RLT.
"Likes Bus stories".
"Good guy, his alias is an anagram of a model of bus".
hmm not sure what i can learn from those notes but gratefully recieved anyway.
im not a massive fan of bus stories but i feel you and my cousin would get on well he has autism and is addicted to trains buses and planes and everything to do with them. he goes to the local train station every day and knows all the annoucements word for word and the train schedule of the top of his head.
More seriously......
Try & keep notes brief, to do that, develop a code, &/or Grading System.
The latter is easy - just grade players from 1 to 10, & give them a mark.
Better to categorise players into "types". You can describe them in conventional terms, or develop a shorthand code.
Very loose
No positional sense
You can better categorise via shorthand code.
AM Absolute maniac.
S Solid
L Loose
DAAB Daft as a brush
LC - Limp-Caller
RLY - Runs like Yoyo
ABAS As bad as Solack
And so on.
what do you mean by station?

As for RLY im not worried about him I keep running into TommyD or Garyqqq in tournaments and it would just be a relief not to see those 2 again
both him and my brother have autism and its absolutely incredible what they know and can do, my brother is ridiculously good at maths for example.
A "station" is poker slang for a player who calls any raise, usually from any position, & quite often after limping in.
It is a derogartory term really, but these are private notes, so nobody except you sees them, thus you can type exactly as you think.
If you actually called a player a "station", that would be deemed an insult, or rude.
The 5 year old Son of a close friend of mine has just been diagnosed as having dyspraxia, & he seems to have quite a severe version of the condition. The lad is unable to do very basic things, & yet can perform some incredibly clever things, too.
A "donk lead" can be several things, but generally is betting out first to act after the flop usually, but it is often meant in a derogatory way.
However, in poker slang, a "donk" is, again, a derogatory term, (short for "donkey" I suppose) denoting a player who is perceived to be inferior, or incompetent. Which some people seem to think is some sort of sin, or suggests they are a lesser person.
Online, lots of people get called "donks", but it rarely happens in "Live" Poker, as people are far more circumspect.
As Tikay says in general at first you are just putting the player "types" which you can pick up pretty quickly but after a while playing with the same players I like to put in my notes players betting patterns.
Eg: A player might bet full pot when bluffing and half pot or less when holding a decent hand.
Of course you can not base these notes on just a few hands but over a decent period of time you can notice these things.
its a subject thats always been close to me, when i was younger i was training to work with children with all sorts of disabilities it was something i always wanted to do after growing up with my brother and seeing how people treated him. its unbelieveable what these families have to deal with and the lack of support and understanding thats out there for them.