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when ever i have almost got nuts i generally do a small value bet and also let the timer go down to make impressions that your not too confident then it might tempt the villians to call or even bluff then you can reply with all in.
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Obv pre is standard.
Was really undecided about flatting or raising the flop because there were a few draws out there, but I also wanted to try to keep both players in.
Once I flat the flop and make the house, I'm not scared of any river so it must be correct to flat again and keep both players in knowing that the pot will be perfect for me to jam over someone or just open jam if it comes to me on the river?
One reason I was happier flatting as appose to raising was because I was IP so I knew there was no fear of ever getting a street checked round because I would always bet any street where it's checked to me.
On the river, is the only option to jam as planned? Or do you prefer a smaller V-bet?
Thoughts please?
Cliffs, I think you've played the hand fine but there are some different ways you can play it which would also be fine.
The person with the betting lead is building the pot big enough for me. The aim with nut hands is obv to manipulate the pot size to an amount where you can get it in on the river, and the villian is doing this for me, so I don't have to worry about SPR imo
raise or flat is fine
bet smaller on river
Flatting allows the 3rd player to call or even raise where he might have otherwise folded. I think it's a raise V 1 opponent, but against 2 I think either isn't too bad.
What kinda ranges are you/we putting them both on? What is he donking the flop with, I'd imagine he's probably calling a raise with everything he donks with BUT what is the original opener continuing with (assuming he opens fairly wide) when there's been a bet and a raise? Which extra hands would he call with if I flatted rather than raising?
I'm probably raising the flop too but the flat is fine. Just as long as you are prepared to get away from it on a wet turn card
If oppo's have draws then they are going to pay you on the flop, more chance of them folding on turn/river and you get no value. They may even shove on you with draws.
You have not got the nuts, you may see horrible turn cards that kill your action/put you behind - extract value )
How would you feel if your letting others build pots with a weaker hand and then horrible card comes and they blow you off the best hand -
Your kinda playing it like you have the draw yourself, so you could call down and shove blank rivers
Think your mind may be swayed because the end result is they fold so they never had the FD
So now your thinking that it was fine to call down because they had str draws/worse/bluffs
If you raise flop oppo can still call or shove with many worse hands
o yeah - stop giving them too much credit that they are good enough to fold @NL10
They are goingto struggle to fold 2 prs/overpairs on flop
By river they have an easy fold though - don't they :S
I might be wrong on the numbers here but when I flop a set, don't I make a house by the river about 1in3 times? So I was perfectly happy if they have a FD in the sense that they only make it 1in3 times by the river, and sometimes I'll have housed up anyway. If it was HU then I would have raised the flop, but 3 way, I do think either is probably fine.
I'm capable of folding later in the hand if the board gets really horrible and am willing to take that risk for the reward of the times I get both players to stack off and I win a like 350xBB pot.