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Playing basically for the first time live on saturday
Buy in £20 .. £10 Rebuys for the 1st hour and a £10 add on
Not sure on chips or blind levels but i imagine it will be pretty fast paced so that people will rebuy more as it is in aid of a football club.
Any comments or tips you may have on playing live would be greatly appreciated.
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Anyway, that's not what you were asking. If you've never played live there are some things you should be aware of:
i) Acting out of turn is not going to make you popular. This includes folding out of turn, as it alters the dynamic for other players at the table. Really, the best way to avoid acting out of turn is to only look at your cards when the action comes to you. This has the added benefit of preventing you from giving tells about your hand strength while players in front of you are deciding on their action.
ii) Before you make a bet, be sure to announce your intentions verbally. If you throw in a single oversized chip, without announcing it as a raise, it will be taken as a call. So if the bet is 100 and you throw in a 500 chip, it will still be accepted as just a call. String betting is also avoided by announcing your intention verbally, before acting.
iii) There won't be any professionals playing a £20 rebuy tournament, so don't be nervous about being outclassed or anything like that. Most of the players will be recreational players and the standard will not be high.
There is probably more I should say but I forget things at this time of night.
Out of interest, is this game at a casino and will there be professional dealers? Which football club is it in aid of?
Its amazing how many players folded pre flop put an expression on that you know they would have hit giving you info that some of the cards are already out, esp on paired boards like 10-4 10 for example
If you show your cards to someone after the hand you have to show the whole table - Show one - show all
try not to spill a full pint over the table like someone did tonight in a pub leaugue - Doesn,t go down to well
I,d say take it easy early on and just watch the others and try and find out which ones are there to gamble buy multi rebuying and who are the tighter players who will try to get to the brk w/o rebuying
Sure theres lots more but Main thing - Just Enjoy it and GL
Ps - Let us know how u get on
I tilted abit after this and threw away my remaining 90k quite quickly ( 100k starting stack) then rebought for 100k and tightened up. Played really tight made some big folds, good and bad, got to ft and got abit of luck when i needed it.
Ended up chopping the win for £150. happy enough as i paid £40 in. Thanks for the advice and tips!