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A couple of hands from £3.30 DYM's, just want to know if they were good calls. Haven't got any reads even tho 2 of the hands are against the same opponent but i was multi-tabling and all the hands happened over a short space of time.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedan1983Small blind 25.0025.002595.00mufcscott1Big blind 50.0075.001815.00 Your hole cardsJJ trufle15Call 50.00125.003390.00thomas87Raise 200.00325.001602.50budgie0125Fold dan1983Fold mufcscott1All-in 1815.002140.000.00trufle15Fold thomas87All-in 1602.503742.500.00mufcscott1Unmatched bet 62.503680.0062.50mufcscott1ShowKK thomas87ShowJJ
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancethomas87Small blind 50.0050.003150.00OMANPETE1Big blind 100.00150.001495.00 Your hole cards88 boobear55Fold carolinexxFold thomas87Raise 150.00300.003000.00OMANPETE1Raise 400.00700.001095.00thomas87All-in 3000.003700.000.00OMANPETE1All-in 1095.004795.000.00thomas87Unmatched bet 1605.003190.001605.00thomas87Show88 OMANPETE1Show10A
Hand History #589233836 (13:52 22/11/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejames1952Small blind 100.00100.003635.00thomas87Big blind 200.00300.001815.00 Your hole cardsJJ trickyrickFold dan1983Fold mufcscott1All-in 2140.002440.000.00james1952Fold thomas87All-in 1815.004255.000.00mufcscott1Unmatched bet 125.004130.00125.00thomas87ShowJJ mufcscott1Show1010 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceAHurleySmall blind 75.0075.001815.00asr147Big blind 150.00225.002625.00 Your hole cardsJJ 121285Fold madred71All-in 895.001120.000.00jay0802Fold thomas87Call 895.002015.001285.00AHurleyFold asr147<td style="padding:7px 5px;margin:0px;color:#666666;vertical-align:middle;font-family:verdana;border:1px solid #badffd;font-size:0.9em
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Interesting hands. One thing you should be aware of in dym's are the stack sizes and number of players remaining. There is a calculation available which can even tell you to fold KK or AA in certain situations with micro stacks at the table as the top three get the same prize so there is no need to knock people out.
IMO, though all the stack sizes aren't shown, i would say:
1. Too early...fold
2. All-in pre or as played call and see flop. Bubble pos so depends on rel stack sizes of other two. May be a good argument to fold here.
3. Ok to call though as long as remaining stacks are pretty even
4. Fine considering he has < 6 bb's.
I'm sure its no coincidence that you are putting up pprs as they may be flipping or even dominated. Remember what is fine shoving may be marginal calling.I'm sure you will get a variety of answers here. In the main calling only does you or your opponent harm. The others will love it as they definitely benefit icm-wise. There is no standard really but Game Theory helps in places. Hope this helps in some ways. Getting an idea of how some players react and play will improve your success rate.