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Best books for Christmas???
Just got off the phone to my Auntie and she was asking me what i wanted for Christmas
I told her i,d like a book on poker but havent got a clue which one to go for
I was think about Harrington on Cash, but am i right in thinking there are several different editions of this?
I also thought about "The mental game of poker" but as i like to think i don,t tilt would it still be worth getting or is it mainly for players who tilt?
The only book i have is "Winning tornaments one hand a time" volume 2 and my mate has volume 1 so i can borrow that
Or is there any new books out - esp. with Christmas coming up?
Any ideas or tips would be greatly appreciated ( I do play tourneys and cash and wouldn,t mind a book that covers both)
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Vicky Coren's is special . Gus Hansen's is a good read through a whole tourna,ment and Mike Matusow's has you thinking "mmmm, something dodgy here!"
Fun = Gus Hansen
Improving = Harrington on Hold 'em, The Theory of Poker (by Sklansky), Kill Everyone are all good reads.
Get this, & it will change your life, & how you view life, for ever more.
I cannot think of many books that will open your eyes more to the wonders of life, & the extraordinary place we inhabit, "Earth", not to mention the very miracle of life.
I must have over 1,000 books, they are my greatest treasure, but if I had to choose just one to take to my Desert Island, or my Prison Cell, or read whilst my (fictional) wife was watching X-Factor or some similar tosh, it would be this, no question about it.
In poker terms, the Gus Hansen and Victoria Coren books mentioned above are raved about and I think they have a bit of a 'story' side to them.
There are 3 volumes to Harrington, well, two and then the third is a book of hand quizzes. I personally wouldn't go for 'The Mental Game of Poker' if you're only looking at getting one book as a present (although it is a great book it's obviously very specific to the mental game.
From your post, I would go for Winning Poker Tournaments One Hand At A Time Vol 3. It's just lately been released and was eagerly anticipated (although I haven't read it yet). I would guess it's likely to do the most for your game if that's a big factor for you.
I,ll probably go for something of this page tho and try and mix up with playing plenty of hands aswell .I,m certainly no book worm - Takes me ages to read them. A bit dyslexic
Decent poker books arnt cheap either.
Could i get youys from the library? I,d give it a go
Ps - Just noticed "The ask Tikay Thread above this on page 2 and locked "
has it had its day?
It is one of the best books i have ever read,she is brutally honest and comes across as a really nice person.It is funny and sad and after you read it you feel as if you really know Vicky.
So that one was about beating them mega aggro, strong players, and this one is about beating everyone
@ JohnConnor - I've got Vol 1 + 2 of Winning Poker Tournaments: One Hand at a Time. I didn't realise there was a Vol 3.... might have to get it on my Xmas list, so cheers for posting about it.
So it will say, if you have 8xBB you should shove with these hands, and call with these hands, and it's a way to make your shoving unexploitable. If your opponent plays exactly the same then everything is even, if you're opponent is too tight with his calling range (as most people are), you gain cos they fold too much when stacks are shallow and just hand you the chip lead risk-free. If they're too loose with their calling range, again you gain cos they're calling with hands that are behind to your shoving range.
So you can't go wrong
EDIT: Just google 'Nash Equilibrium' and you'll see a table which shows shoving/calling ranges by stack size. You don't need to know it off by heart, but have a rough idea.
Ihave 2 books for sale,if any one is interested! (£5 +£3 postage)
Play Poker Like The Pros by Phil Hellmuth,JR.
Secrets of Sit'n'gos by Phil Shaw
Both these books are like new(They both cost about £15 new)
First one to post on here can have them! Good value!
I believe you pick up something from every book you read!
The more you read, the more information you glean!
I,ll take them pls
I,ll Pm you about postage
Will Pm you!
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