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Feeling ever so slightly cheesed....
Hi buddy,
Personally i read a lots of posts and advice in the clinic as i am a learning/recreational player.
I don't feel qualified enough to comment on hands but i take your (and others) advice and comments as a great learning tool.
Keep it up , its helped me a lot.
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I've been a member for 18 months on the site learning the game more. For a year maybe in the forum and THS from july. Consequently, i've got to 'know' more of the names and the personal posts concerning outside of poker situations too. I've been touched by them and contacted to offer advice and show that someone cares.
I've tried to put forward opinions on T's and sitngo's(no cash as of yet) and feel that, for my level, my posts show, if nothing else, what a less experienced player may think in situations.
Recently, however the copy and paste has refused to work so i've had to write a resume of the hand. The response has been less than overwhelming being told amongst other things, that i'd made a mess of it!(consternation!).
However, at least some did answer but yesterday not one person even offered a response. May i say guys, that i find that rather silly when posts around it have 20+ responses. Yes, its your choice and maybe a few poor days with lack of enjoyment and some awful plays by myself and others 'hurting' me have contributed to this feeling of tetchiness, shall we say.
So c'mon eh if i can't copy and paste then it shouldn't stop you from contributing and helping less experienced players from getting help. TBH in places the written ones have just the info needed. Sorry for this, i'm just feeling a little ignored and TBH disrespected as i make a point of offering my opinion on hands where i feel i can contribute.
First, if your hand history is difficult to read then obv you are going to get fewer posts. Many people will just look at the post, see that the hand is typed out and either not bother to read it or assume that the hand regards a live hand at the local pub and feel that it's probably not worth analysing.
Second, you are not entitled to replies to your posts. If your post involves an interesting dilemma then it is more likely to start a debate going. But nobody owes you anything just because you have posted a hand.
Third, the hand history copy & paste is clearly working since IDCY has posted a hand this morning. Try using IE rather than the download client to post hands.
Finally, regarding the K7s hand. Nothing wrong with getting it all in on the flop. You have loads of outs and a massive oppertunity to double up and get to the final table. Bad luck happens, just ride it out.
Well, just what i needed. Someone to tell me me that i'm not entitled and that i should improve my punctuation!!!! Haha. I shall not mention yours, firstly not first etc or the spelling error, as that would be crass. (If you give it out J then you should be able to take it.) I'm not saying others aren't working, just that mine has refused for three weeks now and that it shouldn't stop people reading them which i feel it has. I wouldn't put a post up if i thought it wasn't an interesting dilemma, imo J.
Your post did make me chuckle though so thank you. TY for having a look at the hand too.
Hope eyour back to enjoying the game now prof