Well, it pains to me big-up a prominent member of Team Tikay, but I have to say Lisa-Marie was awesome at Luton casino last night. Third!
I think it was something to do with my motivational speech to her during the interval where I told her she'd been a great player in her first couple of weeks on the Sky Poker tables but ever since then she'd been utter rubbish.
Well naturally, when she burst into tears and had to be dragged away from me uttering expletives I took this to be her expression of gratitude that my words had helped her so much.
And so I was proved right, as she then went on to beat everybody in the tournament bar two.
Strangely, this morning she's not returning my calls. But I assume that's because she's out buying me a thank-you present.
By the way, if anyone from Team Tikay would like me to give
them a heart-lifting pep talk, I will happily oblige!

Seriously, well done LM, and also to Sky Poker producer Sarah who finished on the final table and in the cash, and finally... a begrudging grunt of acknowledgment to Tikay who also got on to the final table, (but 'sadly', didn't get to sit there very long).
3 final tablists- Team Sky Poker owned Luton!
How did you get on in the Tournament, Richard?
And how many Rebuys did you have? (Lisa, Sarah, 'Ling & myself all had No Rebuys).
How can you forget that you stacked me on cash £200 pot Rich?!?!
Richard, tell us how you "outplayed" Scotty 77 (it really was was the ultimate Luckbox-Cooler).
Talk us through the difficult decision you had on the flop, when Scotty had the two Overs, the 2nd Nut Flush Draw, & 37 ways of improving his hand. And you had the nut nut nut unbustable nuts, with nut nut nut Extensions? After going in dominated. An Acting MasterClass if ever I saw one.
"Ok, I suppose I'll give you a spin".......
Everyone outplays me! Its so easy even alcoholics can do it.
Quitting poker IMO.
Sky Poker team, who can beat em, nobody (Orford exception of course
It was a wee bit hairy at times... and the big stack gave up actually betting by declaring "I would make a min raise but I can't be bothered..So ALL-IN"!
But you know folks, when I found myself in times of trouble (ie I accidently 'donated' 99% of my chips to Tikay) I sat back, took a deep breath..and thought to myself that age old question that so many wise sage's have pondered before...'What would Orford do?" and it seemd to work because 'GET LUCKY' was the only possible answer.. hehe.
Talking of the Dark Lord himself .... After suffering a bad beat of the SICKEST kind (at least that's what HE said!).. He went on to a cash game where he managed to Steam roll pretty much everyone and ensure that this years Orford Family Christmas would be an event to remember..Or at least wouldn't have to be cancelled entirely
An awesome night.. and we did indeed OWN Luton (Which I'm sure means they'll think twice before letting us through the door next next time!).
Huge thanks to a GLOWINGLY PROUD Tikay for a good old fashioned night out..and a fair bit of nudging, smiling, railing etc etc..although this may because he OWNED a piece of the action..lol!!
3 final tablists and a seriously cashed up 4th!!
As the Boss would say "BOOM!!!"
Really nice to play with you face to face...So to speak
Sky Pokerists, it was awesome to watch Sarah Collingbourne & Lisa do their thing. Sarah busted Aces with 6-5 - she 4-flushed it, but got her money in first!
Lisa, after being felted by me, then felted me, when she felt unable to Pass 8-8 to my subtle Raise with 6-7, then refused to Fold her T-T when I represented extreme strength with 7-2.
Mabsue & Suemab both played very well, as did an unwell Dingdell, the scarily good 'Ling, & all I can say about Chompy imo was that he's hairy.
Scotty got stacked up early, & had an evening long war with a guy who plays unbelievably awkwardly when he's bladdered. And he was bladdered. Scotty took the battle to him, but lost the flip.
Richard was first out.
We left Luton at about 5am I seem, to recall, so today I'm wrecked. Great fun.
I have 'photos of Sarah & Lisa at the Final Table somehere, I'll try & upload them later.
A good night to be Offline too, I hear,......
meh shoulda folded but tbf its unlikely he had the 5 hands that dominated me, and with 15k dead money in the pot i thought i had the right price to race. esp as KQ is ahead vs him a lot of the time. but yeah i had about 27k left so around 10bb I think so yeah i coulda waited another couple of rounds.
and ive never seen the guy not drunk. I think he sleeps with a vodka drip.
Cogratulations Lisa-Marie
All those hours heckling Sir Rich were obviously not wasted as you must have picked up some tips.
PS i am calling a truce now