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Can u make a living just playing mtts only or do u have to play cash?
I feel my mtt record is ok and i feel i have an edge in mtts then the grind of cash against the daily regs
my question is can u make a living just by playing mtts alone i know julian thew makes a living on mtts but hes just tooooo dam good but im talking in general we all know mtts are high variance so you could play 50 mtts and not cash can be very depressing but can u make a living from it thoughts guys ?
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I did a long post but it was lost!
Will try and remember what I put...
You can make a living from just playing MTT's. You need a certain mindset and need to be able to put in lots of volume (not enough games on sky imo to be able to do this) to reduce variance. I have seen lots of players think they have an edge in MTT, is the edge you have enough to pay you a salary? That is the key, too many players mistake being profitable and making enough to take a salary too! Obviously volume helps get rakeback etc which can bump up earnings!
The question I would ask is do you want to only play MTT for a living (can probably change MTT for any sort of poker). For some the answer will be yes but for lots they think it is yes but if you think about grinding MTT over a long period of time (while having to maintain a high standard of play to remain the ROI you need) is in my opinion very difficult.
By the way, I believe Julian plays cash as well as MTT
Hope this helps
Let's say long term you have a sick ROI like 50% that means even if every single tourney you ever played was £30 (and assuming no rake) you'd still only be making £15 profit per tourney. Knock some off for rake, now you gotta play ALOT of tournies to make a decent salary at <£15 per time, and that's assuming they're always £30, sometimes they'll be more, but often less too AND that's assuming you have a pretty sick ROI and never tilt, and even with ALL that, if you're properly grinding £30 MTTs you need a pretty big roll!
I could never handle the variance involved in purely playing MTTs and think there's very few who can, that's why most players supplement their income with regular steady income from cash games where they might not have to wait weeks/months (or longer) before seeing a half decent return.
You play a £30 MTT and make £9 profit, so you have to play 8-9 of these a day to make (imo) a pretty average salary, except a £30 tourney is like $50 on 'them sites' whcih are gonna have very tough fields so you'd have to be pretty sick to keep your 30% ROI and I don't even know if they run 9 per day @ $50+.... guess you'd deffo have to be multi site grinding. So obv if you start playing £10 ones, you have to then play 27 MTTs instead of 9 and so on.
Who is that player you're referring to by the way.
There are lots of high stakes tournaments on other sites however you would most likely mix in smaller games with larger games so that needs to be factored into results. I believe you would play more tournaments than that mentioned above as you would need to be playing at least say 8 tables at a time, if not more. The key will obviously be what sort of ROI you could expect and you need to look over a decent sample size to properly understand this.
IDCU...hope you dont mind but looked at your sharkscope. Lets assume you treat it as a job and play 5 days a week and want £500 a week (I have no idea of your life situation so this is a random guess!), you would need to play 100 tournaments a week based on your current profit per tournament (this excludes rakeback). Are there 20 MTT you could play on sky per day? Can you maintain your ROI? I have no idea of what sky ROI are like/how good your game is. Assuming the last question is a yes then you could probably make enough however, where are you going to move on to? If sky grows and the number of MTT increases along with the average buy ins then maybe your "wages" could go up over time but is this the way you want to make your money for the long term?
Hope this is of some help